45-70 fans, don't ignore the 350g Hot Cor...


Nov 3, 2012
...nor the 325 Hornady FTX for that matter, if you're after a deep penetrating option for your big bore.

I just completed a wet newspaper test with these two bullets and several others including some 400 and 405 grain flat points, and the 350g Speer Hot Cor mag tip bullet out penetrated everything by a large margin. The FTX gave a great account of itself in this respect too.

The link to the test is here, and can also be found in the Bullet Test forums...


There is a little bit of fiddling with these bullets to get them to feed reliably in the Marlin 1895. You need to seat them a little below the cannelure and use a Lee FCD to crimp them. It works very well in my rifle.

Anyway if you looking for a bullet to end-for-end a cow-sized animal and can't afford or get North Forks etc, these Hot Cors might be for you.


- Bob
Hot-Cor bullets have always performed well for me. I have no doubt that with that mass they will penetrate very well, indeed. The FTX is somewhat newer for me, and though they shoot well in the cartridges in which I tested them, I haven't taken game with them as yet.
The 350gr Speer in the 45-70 is probably one the best bullets made. It has a thick jacket made for the 458 win.
In a hot loaded 45-70 or 450 Marlin it makes a excellent performing bullet. If shot in Marlin you might have to seat the bullet a tad lower than in Ruger or Browning single shots. I have had my best results with Reloader 7 and IMR 4198 at 2000 FPS.
bobnob, if your looking for a 350 that performs well, without the reloading "fiddling" try the 350 Swift
Europe":2pxkypnc said:
bobnob, if your looking for a 350 that performs well, without the reloading "fiddling" try the 350 Swift

A Skookum bullet, to be sure. I do like Swift A-Frames. They are hard to find here in Canada, and with the exchange, they are pricey. Nevertheless, I seem always to have some on hand. (y)
DR Mike

Cheyenne has a friend that comes from Alaska in a canoe a couple times a year

I will say no more (-:
Europe":3jy10eot said:
DR Mike

Cheyenne has a friend that comes from Alaska in a canoe a couple times a year

I will say no more (-:

Oh, yeah, that works! :grin:
Europe":1q07khv5 said:
DR Mike

Cheyenne has a friend that comes from Alaska in a canoe a couple times a year

I will say no more (-:

Is he keen on paddling down here?! :grin:
bobnob":3dgqnnjw said:
Europe":3dgqnnjw said:
DR Mike

Cheyenne has a friend that comes from Alaska in a canoe a couple times a year

I will say no more (-:

Is he keen on paddling down here?! :grin:

That would be some paddle! :shock: