45-70 Loads


Dec 24, 2006
Well, here is my first loading since I have been home for the 45-70. I have two bullets I am going to try out this year. One is the 300gr Partition, I got some H4198 for it and used that, along with WW cases and CCI BR2's. Looking at the Hodgdon online data for the 1895 45-70 you can get nearly 2400FPS out of the 300's. I would think the 300gr PT would be dynamite on big stuff like elk, and even if the front shredded off, you would still have that monster core to drive really deep, and most probably exit from anything outside of an elephant. Plus, the more speed I can get out of it, helps with a longer shot if I am presented. Here is a picture of the loaded round. Pretty impressive. Thanks again to Kodiak for helping me out get some 300gr PT's.

The next bullet on the slate was the 425gr Piledriver Jr from Beartooth bullets. These are supposed to be the bomb, and I am not sure I will find something worthy of using them, but man oh man, do they look like dinosaur killers. I used Guy Miners/JD338's advice and used some H322 for those. If any of you all want some very nice cast bullets, these are it. They come highly recommended and seem like they would be awesome on about anything that walks on this continent, to include BIG bears. Looking over the data, it seems like it is entirely possible to get 1800-2000FPS out of them. That seems like some really serious horsepower. Anyhow, here is a picture of them loaded up.

I am going to run them both over the chrono later this week and hopefully I can find a winner out of the bunch I have loaded. I don't see any issues though, my Guide Gun seems to be pretty accurate and during break in, it had a few 1" groups with the 400gr Speers and full tilt loads of IMR4198. Looking forward to really giving it a workout. Scotty
Those are some awesome looking cartridges. I just handled a new Model 86 Winchester chambered in 45-70. I must say that the clerks had to pry it out of my hand. Man, that is a handsome rifle. Those loads would look good in that Winchester. I know they will do a great job in your Guide Gun.
Mike, I can't see you resisting that 1886 for too much longer! I think I see a 45-70 in your future! It is by FAR, the funnest rifle I own now. I know we have talked about it before, but with JD and Guy putting the pressure out there with those great shooting Marlins, I couldn't take it anymore. That 1886 would be so cool with a nice peep sight and some heavy loads in it. As much as I love my bolt guns, the levers are a ton of fun. Hopefully Nosler puts out some more 300gr PT's. Those seem like they are going to be some game getters! Scotty
The downside of the Model 86 is my aging eyes. I really need a scope to wring the best out of any rifle. However, it is a most attractive rifle. It seemed to fly off the shelf and into my hand where it snuggled contentedly. Oh, it was a mean thing to let me see it. Fortunately, I'll be able to resist for a short while as I still have a 9.3 X 64 and a 260 being built in addition to putting a new pipe on my 35 Whelen. Nevertheless, I like the Marlins, and the 45-70 is one cool cartridge. Handling a cartridge that was used during the battles with the natives and during the Spanish American War is touching a part of American history. I'm glad the cartridge is still around and that it still has a following.
Maybe a 1895 Cowboy with a 1.5x5 Leupold would suit you more buddy! I know, you have a few irons in the fire, but you are right about it. There is nothing like it, it has been a service cartridge, buffalo round and a bunch of other things since it has been around. Can't wait to try it in the woods. Hoping to carry it in the Adirondacks or Northern Michigan this year. My grandpa told me a story of a feller at deer camp shooting threw a 3" birch and still hitting and passing through a deer just after WWII in the Adirondacks. With todays bullets and a good scope, it is that much better, and man, what a handy rifle that Marlin is. Might need to get its little brother, the 444 Marlin one of these days too! Scotty
"If" I get a Marlin (get behind me, Satan), it will be the 1895 Cowboy Model. I came within a whisker of buying one last spring, but picked up another rifle instead. I have shot quite a few during the past few years setting them up for others, and I do like the thump they give. All that I have shot are pleasingly accurate, that's for sure.
"IF" you do get one, I doubt you will be disappointed, seems like the Marlins are very accurate. Plus, they add a whole nother aspect to our loading and that is BIG cast bullets. I like the "IF" part Mike, you almost had me fooled! Scotty

Those PD JR's look like they will penetrate into next week! Looking forward to your range report.


Take a look at the Marlin 1895 Guide gun. There are several different flavors to choose from.
Scotty is right, the 45-70 is a ton of fun to shoot. They have impressive accuracy too. My hunting load with the Nosler 300 gr BST (seconds) went .400" at 100 yds. That is just as good as a nice shooting bolt rifle!


I've seen your pictures, and they are pretty impressive. I'm guessing that Scotty's loads will shortly be producing pictures to make any rifleman proud. There probably is a Marlin in my future. I'll just have to get some more load development jobs this winter.
Both loads are Hammers!!!!!!

I used them before in my 45-70
Yeah, I wouldn't be scared to hunt anything within 200 yards with either load. Looking forward to getting some range time with them. Scotty