6mm Remington 95grain BT


Dec 28, 2007
Hi Guys

I am hoping someone on here would have some loads with this bullet weight they could share. I did a search and couldn't find anything that matched.

I am thinking for a hunting bullet it should be a beauty.

Your help would be much appreciated.

Kind regards

My son and I have used that bullet for mule deer hunting for some time. Here's some data from Nosler:


Our little 6mm Remington shoots it well with the book max of 48 grains of Reloader 22. That's a max charge - and Reloader 22 can be temperature sensitive, so be careful and work up. I've used this load for years without problem.

The bullet is a good one. Typically on a mulie we've gotten pass throughs, with everything in-between badly messed up. Instant, drop on the spot death. Even out at nearly 300 yards. Also - it tends to be a very accurate bullet, which further endears it to me.

Regards, Guy
Good bullet, well worth trying.

As an alternative suggestion, my brother shoots a 6mm Rem and has had very good luck on Whitetails using the 6mm 95 gr Partition. Very accurate from his 788 and produces quick kills.

There are usually some seconds available from Nosler at around $14 per 50. I load for my brother's 6mm, but I'm out of town for another 6 weeks or so and don't have access to my loadbook, otherwise I'd pass on the Partition load to you, it'd probably be a good reference point for the 95 BTs as well.
Thanks Bacova.

I have the Noslaer reloading manual and this has caused a little confusion. RL22 gives the highest velocity and the max load is the most accurate. RL19 is stated as the most accurate powder, but the most accurate load is the one with the least velocity - approximately 400fps less than RL22.

Perhaps someone can clear this conundrum up for me. I was leaning toward RL22.

Thanks again

I have had good luck with IMR-4350 and a 100 grain Partition or Solid Base boattail in my #1B Ruger. The load is 43.4 grains with Fed 210 primers. I do not have any pressure signs, and the accuracy is 1/2" at 100 yards. This load may not be safe in your rifle, so work up carefully. IMR-4350 would be worth trying for the 95 grain BT as well. I have played with it a little, and H4831SC has potential too.