7 RM 160 Accubonds



Working on these a little.
Please excuse the iPhone pics.
All at 100 yds.
I'll mess around with seating a little.




I'll step it up a little.
No signs of any issues at 65.
Interesting results. All rifles are a law unto themselves. My 7RM shoots 160 g. ABs with 63.5 g. RL22 to 0.85 inches. However, with 160 g. Fail Safe bullets, a charge of 64 grains of RL22 gives me 0.28 inch groups. Upping the charge to 66 grains opened up the groups to 0.87 inches. I only gained 100 fps, so I stayed with the lower charge.
I should test my 7RM with a ladder of 7828 SSC at 300 yards and see. I stopped because I was getting 3-shot groups of <1 inch at 300 yards with 66.0 grains. Laziness or optimized daydreaming stopped me, I guess or maybe an abundance of sufficiency with the groups?
Oldtrader3":l04in4b8 said:
I should test my 7RM with a ladder of 7828 SSC at 300 yards and see. I stopped because I was getting 3-shot groups of <1 inch at 300 yards with 66.0 grains. Laziness or optimized daydreaming stopped me, I guess or maybe an abundance of sufficiency with the groups?

Same here Charlie. Mike makes alot of small groups, but when I get the speeds where I like them, with MOA groups, I get lazy!

I am actually running RL25 in my 7mm Rem Mag right now with 160 AB's. I actually had to sink them back to 3.190" COAL in order for the rifle to be consistent. Speeds are running 3090 in my 24" rifle, and the groups are pretty decent.

RL22 has been what I have used for quite awhile though, 65-67 grains of RL22 will put most 7's in the 3000-3050 range with ease and usually accurate as heck.

Charlie brings up a great point with IMR7828, that powder seems to be about identical to RL22 in most uses, I have tried it in. Accuracy and speed are usually really danged close, grain for grain.

This is about all I can expect outta the old Model 70 at 200. While not the smallest ever, it holds up pretty well at longer ranges as well.

My rifle does not like IMR 7828 I actually hit pressures signs before getting to a max load so I quit using it.

Problem is Scotty, that Mike does optimization for other shooters as kind of a sideline. So, in the process of that, he works at it until he gets the most efficiency out of the process as he can. My problem is, like DrMike, I used to do process optimization as one of my major responsibilities at work but unlike him, I don't like doing it at home. So I settle for less. Just a difference in personalities I guess (and personal laziness)?

Over time and through range work, you and I both pretty well optimize a particular rifle with a particular load, so we end up eventually in pretty much the same place. I have kept certain rifles also, which showed a very high tendency to shoot well. The other, lesser rifles are weeded out. Additionally, we all work on the mechanics of the particular rifle bedding, triggers and whatever else we can make better. So eventually in our own fashion all of us get to the same place.