7mm Rem Mag 150 E-Tip loads


May 4, 2011
Going to rebarrel my Win 70 Classic Stainless to 7mm Rem Mag from 300 Win Mag because basically it kicks me too hard. Yes I am not too much of a coward to admit it. The Gunsmith says he will put a brake on it for 150 but I feel like if I have to have a gun with a break on it, I'm going bigger like at least a 338 Win Mag. So for now, going to make this rifle an all weather magnum for elk and such. I plan to use my 30-06 when its not too nasty outside but that has such a beautiful chunk of furniture on it that I would hate myself forever if it got warped.

So now a 7mm Rem Mag. I already know what the 160 grain Accubonds will do to both deer and elk, they were made for that 7mm Rem Mag cartridge. But I wouldn't be against using the 160 or 175 partitions for elk. My question though to all you fellas who like me are living the dream, how do the 150 grain E-Tips shoot? I would love to use those for an all-around load especially since my 30-06 shoots the 165 AB's so well that a 160 AB would be repetitious. Or I guess I should just go with the 175 grainers...they are a great bullet, especially for elk.
I haven't shot the 150 E-Tips in my Model 70 Featherweight Classic Stainless 7mm RM, yet. It shoots 160s so well, that even though I shoot 160 ABs in my 7mm WSM, I don't worry about overlap. The 7mm RM also shoots 175 PTs very well, so as time goes by, I'll likely gravitate to that particular bullet in the 7mm RM. The recoil is about equivalent to the recoil on a 30-06.
Sweet thanks Doc, I knew I could count on your advice as always! Yeah thats what made me gravitate towards the 7mm Mag is the lower recoil and near 300 Mag (with comparable bullet weights) performance. Dad almost had me talked into a 300 WSM which is no slouch either but I already have a 300 Savage, 308 WCF, and a 30-06, my 30 caliber niche is well occupied. Next magnum I get is likely to be a 325 WSM, 8mm Rem Mag, or 338 Win Mag. But for now I am looking forward to having my first 7mm. I have never owned one personally though I have been around 284's, 7x57's, 7mm Rem Mags, and a 280 before and they just like my 30-06 seemed to be drt rifles. With a lot less bellow and bite than my 300 Win Mag.

I will likely shoot the 160-175's because elk is what I will be using it for.

BTW the 8mm Mauser deal fell through. The owner never called me back, go figure, mustve gotten a better deal than cash on the barrel head. It happens, in fact its probably a blessing because I have a ton of other irons in the fire anyways. :wink:
My 7mm RM shoots almost any 160 grain or 175 grain bullet very well. The load I am gravitating to is built with H870 (I'm down to my last three pounds, so it is reserved for this load) and 175 grain PT. For years, I shot either 175 grain TBBC charged with WXR or 160 grain Fail Safe bullets charged with RL22. Both shot to <0.5 inches at good velocities. Any of these loads works well to take down elk, moose and black bear. Of course, mule deer tend to expire rather quickly when shot with any of these loads. The 7mm RM is a great cartridge for big game.
The 7mm 150 gr E-Tip shot very well in my 280 AI once I tried seating the bullets .100" off the lands.

Penetration is no issue.

I worked some of these up in my Savage 7mm RM to see what they would do. I started with IMR 7828SSC but hit pressures signs at 65.0 grains, my starting load was 64.0 grains. Did hit an average of 2980 fps with the 64.0 grains and 3082 with the 65.0 grains.

I then tried IMR 4350 with better results. Started at 59.0 grains with an average of 2923 fps, 59.5 gave 2918 fps with better ES and SD nd 60.0 grains gave 2939 with an ES of 26.46 and SD of 14.0. I do not recall what the accuracy was nor did I write it down.

Good luck.

64 gr of RL22 in my buddies 7mm rem mag Savage