7x30 Waters Brass


Jan 13, 2008
My dad is looking at buying a TC Contender - to be used primarily for hunting whitetail. I recommended the 7x30 Waters based on what I've read and heard in the past.

Is it best to form the brass from 30-30 casings ? I checked MidwayUSA (where I buy most of my reloading supplies) and factory 7x30 Waters brass appears to be quite limited.


Welcome to the forum.

Federal offers brass for the 7x30 Waters or you can fire form from 30-30 brass.

I have a 7x30 Waters super 14" barrel for my contender. Very accurate with both the 120 gr and 140 gr BT's.
Let us know if you need any assistance.


I haven't fire formed brass from another caliber before. I assume you just full length size the 30-30 brass in a 7-30 Waters die, trim to length, then load a relatively mild charge for the initial firing.

After the first firing, would you neck size since this is a TC single shot ?

I'll also check around to see if I can find some of the Federal factory brass.
Fire form with the 140 gr BT, loaded to seat into the rifling with a mild load.
This will keep the case positioned in the chamber for proper fire forming.

I have gone with resizing my own 30-30 brass but find that just buying from EABCO is easier and no need to fireform. After shooting I just partially resize. Works great! And like JD says 120 and 140 BT's are excellent. Mine prefers Reloader 15 but your dad's may differ.

I found that near max loads of 748 with a 120 bt and resized 30-30 shells does great. When you do the initial sizing of the 30-30 a small bulge occurs but doesn't seem to affect accuracy at all.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is my contender pistol shoots good enough while fireforming.......I'd take the loads to the field and hunt with em as is!
Yeh, that little collar at the neck shoulder junction shoots out with no problems on the next shot.

I got my best groups with Varget and 120 gr BT but the muzzle flash was excessive. +1 with RL15. :wink:
