8 mag


Apr 5, 2014
I took the 8 mag to the bench to shoot some 200 grain Partition rounds I loaded up with some IMR 7828. Results were not very good but I really haven't had a chance to work up a load and these are on the conservative side.
I found some 220 grain Sierra SPBT loads my father had put together before he passed away 20 years ago. The dose of was several grains higher than what I am using. Results are below. I usually don't call my shots but I really felt I pulled the third one to the left on this one.
When I get some time it think I'll try to work the 200 grain Partition load and see if I can get anywhere close to this which is all I hope for out of this boomer.
It is promising, however. There is some potential in that. The 8RM is a hammer on game; that's for sure.
Check bedding optics and or play with seating depth
I did a neighbors R700 8mm Remington Mag. a little over a month ago that didn't respond well with factory ammo so I tried IMR-7828 w/ a 200 gr. Speer bullet @ .010" off the lands and after a few shots changed to 72.5 gr. of IMR-4350 and right away the gun was shooting under a 1/2", not fast but neither was the factory 185 Remington Core Locks. Worked for him so it worked for me.