95gr. BT .243Win. Load data?


Dec 17, 2005
Need load data for .243Win. using the 95gr. Ballistic Tip bullet. IMR4350 propellant. Will load for a H&R Handi-Rifle with 20" bbl. Hunting whitetail deer and wild pigs.
I loaded test rounds with 39gr. and 40gr. Will report results.
Thanks to all who responded,
My stepson killed 4 this past year with 33.5 4064 95 gn NBT. I wanted a load that would stay under 3000 fps and be forgiving on the shoulder.
lonewolf, do you know what MV you are getting with those loads? Are you loading for the break open rifle shown in your album?
I am loading for my wife's New England, single shot, Youth Model.
I load it for a Remington SPR18 single shot
My Handi 243 cal shoot the same load and bullet excellent but I reduce the charge to 40.5 grains of IMR 4350
I also found the H@R will shhot the hornady 100 gr.SPBT very good with IMR 4064 but it won't hold a group with 4350
lonewolf, that is the data that I seek. While I realize that my Handi may not like the very same ammo as does yours, what you have told me gives me some starting points. I also have noticed that the 39gr. load, pushing the 95gr. Ballistic Tip bullet, does not produce great groups. Groups are adequate for the wife's deer hunting, but I would like to get them tighter. So, I will use your advise and load up some IMR4064 and see if her groups are improved upon.
Every rifle is different and regardless of how old I get I am always learning.
Thank you,
IMR4350 is probably the most versatile powder in the 243 from 85-100 grain bullets, in my experience. My 243 A-bolt grouped the 95 b tip best with RL-22, however. May give that a try if you're still searching.
The one problem I ran into with the 243 cal. single shots are to pay special attention to resizing the shoulder.I find single shot need full length dies to re-chamber otherwise I find a .001 gap between the barrel and breech face.
I use a 9MM case and set it on top of the shoulder and mic:
I find I need to set the shoulder back to 2.675 to chamber flush with the barrel breech on the H@R
2.775 on the remington SPR 18.
lonewolf5347":n2bb8w3i said:
I find I need to set the shoulder back to 2.675 to chamber flush with the barrel breech on the H@R
2.775 on the remington SPR 18.

Lonewolf, maybe I don't quite grasp the technique you're employing, but is this a typo? I see a tenth of an inch difference here.
The spr 18 remington and the Handi 243 cal. have to different chambers
setting back the shoulders to resit in the chamber are not the same spec:
I need to resize using the full length die and adjust it to set it back to 2.775
on the remington
The H@R the shoulder needs to go to 2.675
I use to shoot this bullet with my 6MM Remington. My recipe, if I recall was 42 grains of IMR 4350. It should be slightly less with 243.

I load the .243 with 95 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips for two rifles, circa '72 tang M-77 and a 1500 Howa. Both rifles will consistently shoot 1/4 inch three shot groups. Both have top quality Leupold scopes.

With the usual disclaimer try working up to:
Nosler brass
95 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip
CCI 200 primers
45.0 grains of IMR 7828 SSC
Velocity: 3025 FPS

Jerry 919
Bend, Oregon
A Ruger KM77RFP MKII 1 in 9" Twist .243 I used to have just loved 95gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips loaded with H-4350 in Remington Brass with Winchester Large Rifle Primers. Actually the load I ended up with I received from a former forum member right here at Nosler Reloading. I started 10% under his recommended charge and in the end ended up with the exact same charge weight he was using, 42.5grs. Yes this is a MAXIMUM LOAD and was safe in my Ruger .243.

Out of my Ruger 3 shot groups at 100 yards of under 1/2" were amazingly regular. Muzzle velocity was 3071 FPS from the 22" Ruger. I shot a few Whitetails with that bullet-n-load with excellent results from ranges as close as 150 yards out to 400 yards.
