Bob - you've got about three posts on this, and it's tough for me to pull the info out of them. I'll give this a try.

I believe you may be using 168 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip bullets from a .308 Winchester. Is that correct?

If so, you're fortunate because there are many powders that work very well with a 165 or 168 grain bullet from the .308 Winchester. I've had great success with both Varget and Reloader 15. IMR 4064 is another old favorite. Based on good results, I'd recommend starting with Varget, although other choices can be just as good. It's hard to pick "the best" powder for the .308 Winchester since so many work well.

Here is a link to an excellent article on handloading for the .308 Winchester. There's a lot of very useful information in that article, including some thoughts on powder and bullet selection:


Regards, Guy
I woke up about 2am, couldn't sleep. Came on and seen this, and I wondered also. Hmmmm, without bullet weight, the question is quite vague. But Varget and R-15 are my go to powder for the .308 with most bullet weights.
I've had a fair bit of success with Hogdon BLC-2 also. Probably 75% of my loads used varget at one time or another though, but as Guy and onesonek pointed out there are many good choices for the .308 win. I'd get several if I could afford it and let my rifle decide what shot best with the bullets I planned on using.

Good luck!
I am probably one of the few .308win shooters who couldn't get Varget to shoot as well as expected. RE15 proved to be a top performer in both velocity and accuracy. That is, until I started to fool around with BENCHMARK which shoots tight little bugholes using the 155 A-Max bullet.
Charlie-NY":349t38ez said:
I am probably one of the few .308win shooters who couldn't get Varget to shoot as well as expected. RE15 proved to be a top performer in both velocity and accuracy. That is, until I started to fool around with BENCHMARK which shoots tight little bugholes using the 155 A-Max bullet.

I can believe that Charlie. I can't explain it either, but fwiw.
I always check a rigs inherit accuracy with BT's when I can. And with that, in the .308 or simillar ER rounds, RE-15 has proved excellent. But for whatever reason, when I switch to NP's It's not uncommon for Varget to work better for me.
I haven't played with Benchmark, in this case (no pun intended), as I tend to go for higher load densities myself.