Accubond success

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Had been happily using Nosler Partitions, Solid Base bullets, Ballistic Tips and Competition bullets for many years, since the mid 1970's in the case of the Partitions. Heard about these new-fangled "AccuBond" things and thought to myself... "Why?" I was content. I had Nosler Competition bullets and Ballistic Tips for long range accuracy, and Partitions when a tough job needed to be done.

Then I bought a .375 last year... Along with the rifle came some ammo, loaded with the 260 Accubonds, and a partial box of them. Well heck, might as well shoot them... So at 100 yards from a load delivering 4,000+ ft lbs of energy I get this:

That got my attention... Decided to slam one into my infamous water-filled milk jugs at 20 yards to see what happened to them. Pretty impressive:

I went on a wild goose chase for more Accubonds a year ago and had a tough time finding more of the 260's so I hunted without them last year. Over the winter though, I was able to lay in a good supply of the doggone things, and work on my handloads a bit. So I sighted in the .375 at 200 yards and practiced with it, prone, sitting and standing at out to 300 yards pretty regularly. I had to admit that I rather liked being able to smack the 300 yard gong that hard!

So - accurate, flat shooting as my .308 & .30-06, and a pretty tough bullet too. Guessed that maybe I should take them hunting... One shot at 300 yards and one very dead bear with a hole completely through him.

I'd like to show you guys a recovered AccuBond from the bear, but the bear didn't stop the bullet. What else can I say?

Yeah, okay, you told me so... Tough like a Partition, accurate like a Ballistic Tip. Took me a while to come around I guess!


Welcome to the AccuBond club, glad to have you here! :grin:
Congratulations on a very nice bear!

Hey Guy,

They did just fine in Namibia. I used the Accubonds in my .375 H&H and 7mm-08 for my six animals. These are the ones I took with the .375 using the 260 gr. AB's.

Congrats again on the bears!!


Wow! :shock: Cool hunt you had there, beautiful trophy animals... I'd like to hunt gemsbok someday.
When shot an bigger ID 5x6 bull elk with my 270WSM, I was surprised how well it worked with the 140gr AccuBond. Accuracy during my practice shooting was really, really good. Both the elk and muley that we taken that year showed me just how tough that bullet it. My partner in ID has had very good luck with my 7mm Mag loaded with 160gr Accubonds. Considers them a magic bullet of sorts. Either way, it is hard to find a better bullet for the price. Scotty
My wife uses them in her 7-08 Winchester 70 compact. Those 140 grain bullets really do a number on deer. She has not had the opportunity to take an elk with them, but I have no doubt that if she does, I will be doing some dragging.
I agree about the 140's in the 7mm-08. Here are the three I took with them. My hunting partner had to borrow my '08 on the last day of the hunt to shoot his Kudu. It too, was DRT.


Sarge's Kudu with my '08
