

Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
OK guys thinking about getting one of these in 7.62x39mm . Since there are so many of them out there I am really lost. This will be a plinker/survival type firearm. I am concerned with strength quality longevity and accuracy.
Can you give me some input as to what make and country of origin I should be looking for. Any input and / or help would greatly be appreciated!
I would look for something made under the BLOC countries, rather than Chinese manufacture. Usually the Soviet rifles are actually milled rather than stamper receivers and are of better quality. I had a Bulgarian SLR95, which was a pretty decent rifle. Not really sure about them nowadays though. Good luck with your search. Scotty
POP I don't know much about the AK-47, but I have shot a SKS alot. they shoot the same round. It is my understending that the SKS is built to tighter specs than the AK. They are a bit more accurate, but they don't handle the rough contitions as well as the AK. I think there are more aftermarket options for the AK. A good friend of mine in the Air Force ordered a kit and built it himself. He had to drill out the holes and put the rivets in and everything.

The 7.62x39 is a fun round. With dads SKS I can set the sight ramp for 600 yards and rattle three rounds off and then hear three whacks on the gong (24"x24"). I thought about buying a 7.62x39 upper for my DPMS lower that is sitting in my safe. But I think the 223 will work better for what I'm wanting to do.
Pop I shoot an AK quite a bit.
Mine is a Romanian built Century Arms WASR10.It is not the highest quality rifle on the market yet it has proven to be very accurate and reliable.
New they run anywhere from $359 on up.
Over 2500 Rounds through it and I've had two failures to eject that were ammo problems.
I did replace the trigger in it with a Tapco unit.The trigger group is held in the rifle by an evil little piece of wire called the "Shepherds Crook".Do yourself a favor and order the Tapco replacement for it too.

I also replaced the rear stock with an ATI fiberforce stock as the rear stocks are VERY short and cheekweld is nearly impossible.

My next AK will be a rifle from Arsenal Inc out of Las Vegas,Nevada
and it will be chambered in 5.45x39

Lots of info on the various AKs on Ar15.com or THEAKFORUM.NET
I have had a chinese MAK90 for many a year. It's the sporter version with no threads and a thumbhole stock.for many a year..At least 1000 round thru it without a single problem. FUN and accurate. Duringone session me and my friends shot so much so fast that the wood hand guard started to smoke...Still shoots great..
I have two Hungarian SA-85M AKs, one preban underfolder and a thumbhole.
Very high quality for a stamped reciever.
You should check them out.
Pop, when it comes to AK-47, the Bulgarians are universally considered THE BEST of the imports. The Bulgarians are no longer imported, Arsenal is now making Ak's in Nevada. These are essentially Bularian rifles assembled on a U.S. milled receiver. Very good quality, but for the price they should be.

Hungarians are considerved second best, surpassed only by the Bulgarians. They usually have wood furniture and a more classic look, making then a great choice.

The Romanians are usually considered the best value for the plinker. Mine does jam from time to time, it seems to be fussy about it's taste in magazines.

In general the Egyptioan and chineese Ak's are considered to be of lesser quality. In addtion the Egyptian Ak's have the fewest interchanable parts, of any of the major AK's made, so they would probably be my last choice.
"Bought this one USA MADE" AND GUARANTEED to shoot as accurately as an AR=15,