any woodworkers?


Sep 29, 2006
ok, here is my plan
gonna take 5/8" sawn lumber, planed to 3/8" and laminate a stock blank togather
plan on using maple, osage orange, walnut, and yellow locust or poplar, what do I use for glueing? polyester resin? glue? what?
anybody have any suggestions?
When I was building bows, I was using Smooth-On, a 2 part epoxy to glue the risers together. I used clamps and then had to heat them for approx 4 hours at around 180*, or put some lamps on them overnight. There was another glue that some used but I don't remember what it was.
This may work for you. You can check some woodworkers shops or maybe some of the bow building supply companies.
RR - there are really expensive glues you can buy that won't do any more for you than good old Gorilla glue. Dampen the wood slightly and cover the entire pieces of wood evenly (don't expect the glue to flow evenly across the wood while you are clamping it together. There will be some squeeze out on the edges and this glue will foam as it cures. I have done several outdoor pieces of furniture with this glue and it works well..
RR, Uni Bond is the glue you are looking for with laminates. It can be mixed in various degrees for fast or ultra slow set but it is the glue to use for veneering or laminating.

Tite Bond III is a good one also as it gives you a longer pot life and is fairly waterproof but really I wouldn't mess with anything knowing how well Uni Bond works to be honest. Scotty
RR - after you glue it up post a picture so we can see a before of the color combination and an after when you finish the masterpiece!!
I second that RR! Looking forward to seeing the pictures. I would think if you could go less than 3/8's you would end up with more laminations and a stronger finished stock. More glue surface and the multiple layers will counteract each other bet for movement. Scotty