Arrrgh!!! I hate the variables.....


Sep 10, 2006
Sometimes I hate the "variables". Below you see a target from my trip to the range yesterday. Weather was decent, minimal breeze about 40 degrees. First "group" is the string on the lower left target. Top shot was first, then working in closer to the bull. Barrele was allowed to cool for 5min or so between groups. Second group on lower right. As you can see still high and BIG. Thrid group (upper right) was five shots after lowering scope approx 1 inch 4-5 clicks. the group comes together some what but still too big.

Shooting my 250-3000 savage, Rem case, 41 grains of H4350 and 75 grain Hornady V-Max- sorry Nosler. range was 90 yards. Barrel is floated, screws seem tight.

Barrel condition- pulled a patch through soaked with gunscrubber prior to shooting, but nothing really clean.

My question is this. every time I get the barrel clean even minimally, (or just first couple shots from a dirty bore)at least the first couple shots this dumb thing takes between 3-6 shots to group decent.

The groups are poor compared to what the rifle has been capable of. Last time I loaded the v-max I used 40 grains (1 grain less) and it would reliably put those first 2 shots on top of eachother with the third landing inside the same square. Thats the only change I know of. Could that single grain of 4350 really open up the groups that far?

I guess Im just frustrated. Could this be a bedding issue? Is the barrel going south? (guess I wont know 'til I get some more 40 grain loads). Any ideas or analysis of the target.

Group sizes decreasing with subsequent shots is a pattern with this rifle.

Of course it could be ME!! Its been a long winter!! Thanks CL

Sorry for all the questions -looking for some one to help me cry in my beer...sometimes I hate the variables!!!

You would be amazed by the difference a single grain of powder could make. Below is a picture of two targets shot during some load development for my 300 WSM.

the loads where 63.0gr of H4350 and 63.5gr of H4350. A half grain of powder made the difference between 3" groups and 1/2" groups. This load consistantly groups this good.

Thebear_78, made a good point and it is so true that just a half grain or less can make the difference. OAL is vital also, depending on the type of bullet, powder charge and primer just how far from or close to the the rifling you seat the bullet. Might want to try a different bullet because some barrels will shoot one type or brand of bullet and will not shoot another. Good luck and let us know what you changed with your load and how it shoots.
Thanks for the encouraging words. The suggestion was made over on the reloading page that my barrel may be shot out (gasp) it may be, but will definitely try going back to a load that worked before.
Well- here she is- all topped off with a VX-II. Sorry for the poor pic. Iwill try and give you the run down. Near the center left of the target and high are my first two shots, (oh by the way this is my sight in target). As usual, she takes a few shots to get "down and dirty serious". You can see shots 3,4,5 center left of the target in about an inch. 17 clicks to the right and you will find shots 6,7 just to the right of the center bull (talk about tracking!!). So since all was going well I let the rifle set for a couple hours while I shot pistol with a friend. When I went back to it I ripped off three shots in about 1.5 minutes in the lower right hand bull. :shock: :eek: :eek: :grin: :grin: :grin:
All that with 100 grn Rem. core lokts. Oh Ive shot better groups but compared to those in the pic above these make me feel really good. All shots 3-10 fell into groups right at an inch or less. Especially considering that core lokts are usually good for 2-3 inch groups at best. I was thrilled. Who would have believed that the scope could make that kind of difference!!! :shock: Ya think Im happy?!?!? Oh and I mounted this one myself so it is just the way I want it, comes up like it grew there. Thanks to all for the advice and encouragement on the Leuy. So far, Worth every penny!! Cant wait to get some good reloads made up. CL

Thebear_78":3eqrcprc said:
You would be amazed by the difference a single grain of powder could make. Below is a picture of two targets shot during some load development for my 300 WSM.

the loads where 63.0gr of H4350 and 63.5gr of H4350. A half grain of powder made the difference between 3" groups and 1/2" groups. This load consistently groups this good.


this is my Accumark 30-378 at 200 yards with 200 grain accubonds and 106 gr Retumbo at 3270 fps it measures just .8"


107 grains did 3" group, again at 200 yards.
Pop- Alll I can say is WOW!! That is a group!! Humbled but still happy. CL