Ballistic Tips SUCK.... if you're an Antelope!


Apr 6, 2009

25-06 running 100 NBTs @ 3300+ (59 grains IMR7828)... 240 yards... DRT.

Nice speed goat, congratulations.

Wish I would have been the one with the tag... I've been watching that goat for months, and I got the opportunity to guide a new friend from Texas to it. Hey, at least my rifle got to get in on the action... right?
Man, I know you got a rise out of a few of us! That is a great goat and a smoking load! That looks like a very sharp rifle, thank god for friends like you. Good hunt! Scotty
Congratulations on a fine looking antelope. That sounds like a fine shot you made.
Wish it would have been me that made the shot... but it was a friend of mine that had the tag... it was a good shot though.

Rifle is a Rem. 700 SS, wearing a 700 Ti stock, low Talleys, and a Burris 3-9 with the B-Plex... all up it weighs 7lbs. 6oz... pretty nice for packing around.

Your friend is pretty lucky to have you as a friend!
You put him on a really nice speed goat.
Looks like you have the cape ready for the taxidermist.

JD338":3bsliljf said:

Your friend is pretty lucky to have you as a friend!
You put him on a really nice speed goat.
Looks like you have the cape ready for the taxidermist.


He's a new friend actually, and hopefully a friend for life... I live right next to the unit, and I'm out there hunting coyotes and shooting prarrie dogs all the time... so, I saw a bunch of bucks and just started keeping track of them. A couple of months ago I threw a post up here on the Nosler forum, as well as 24hcf looking for someone who drew a Colorado Unit 87 buck antelope tag. I figured that if I couldn't hunt them myself... maybe I could help out a fellow hunter, and get to tag along. I truly love hunting 'lopes and deer out on the plains... so any opportunity to get out and chase critters is awesome. Plus, it really doesn't matter to me if I shoot it or not... if I'm there, and I help... in my heart that's my "trophy" too.

Didn't have any takers on this forum... but got in contact with a guy from Texas last month. He flew in a day early and stayed with a buddy near the unit. We went out and did some scouting on Friday... looked at about 100 bucks... he liked this one and a couple others that were in the same area... so I camped at the gate on Friday night to make sure we'd be the first ones in when the sun came up. They met-up with me at first light... and less than an hour later we had him on the ground. Actually, we spent more time at the cafe having breakfast afterword... than we did hunting.

I hope to have access to a bunch of tags in this unit and two neighboring units next year. Along with a few buck tags... I have a program that I'm trying to get rolling called "Doe for Kids" that will get landowners to donate doe antelope tags that we can distribute to kids who are doing positive stuff for the community, and who show an interest in hunting and the outdoors. I can't think of a better hunt to take a kid on...
Thats great buddy! Sounds like you are doing some great stuff. That is pretty awesome how you offered up the help to put some folks on animals, plus, your 25-284 got a little work out. Now give us some details on your rifle. Looks like a killer set up. Scotty
It's a long action .25-284... know commonly as the .25-06 :lol:

Rifle is nothing special... 700 BDL SS with the 24" pipe. I bought one of those Rem. Ti stocks that were on sale over on the 'fire this winter... they were a steal at $65!! Finally picked up an ADL trigger guard and got a chance to throw it together. The rifle isn't crazy accurate... 3/4" three shot groups are the norm. I recently started running IMR7828SSC behind the 100 NBT... 59 grains gets 3300 and some change. I've been shooting the 100 NBT at stuff for pushing 20 years now... never had any complaints... except from all the stuff in my freezer and wall.

Here's a couple more pics of the 'lope... he's not huge... but a very solid buck and a good representitive of the area. From the front you can see how well he hold the mass up high and that classic 'heart' shaped rack... the extra little sticker on the left side is cool too.

My new buddy Stan and I with his 'lope... and the classic Pawnee country. He shot it from the hill on the far left... and anchored it.

Great story! You are a true gentleman.

Yeah, great story. Thanks for the details on the rifle. Looks like a winner on antelope! Scotty
POP":3voeehxc said:
Nice story. Great goat.

It was only about 25 miles south of you Pop...

by the way... you need to work on the coyote population around Cheyenne there buddy. I drive up there and back every morning... I've seen at least 2 coyotes everyday for the last week and a half. You need to let the Big Dog (.300 RUM) eat...