Battle Of The Bulge


Oct 8, 2024
So the story goes I bought a LOAD of 6.5-300 WBY Mag brass about half of it unfired, the other half fired. The new brass chambered as it should, the once fired brass (from someone else's rifle) would not. It had the bulge above the rim. I also have a .257 WBY mag that the brass is starting the bulge after 6 reloads, nothing else wrong with the brass, it has plenty of life minus the bulge.

I started doing my research thinking surely someone had already addressed this problem. I found someone had! Innovative Technologies sells a special collet die for $139.99 OK I thought I would just order one. The first issue is they say they have a 3 to 6 month backorder wait. The second issue is they use PAYPAL as their online credit card merchant. I believe PAYPAL hates gun owners and is 100% ANTI GUN. I REFUSE to ever deal with them, EVER. RANT OVER

After work this evening I went in the hobby machine shop and made my own. I used 17-4ph stainless, it took less than an hour to make. It works PERFECTLY! I fixed all my brass 6.5-300 and .257 it all chambers perfectly now. My design does not use a collet, simpler in design but effective.

Below are some pics of what I made.

This die ONLY sizes the base in front of the belt, where the problem always is.


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I bought one of the collet dies a couple years ago, my 300 HH was going through brass, the bulge, fairly quickly. Initially it worked great, then not so much, now it wants to ride over the belt. My 338 Jarrett gets quite a few loads out of a piece of brass but eventually needs to be sized as well. I’ve never had to worry about the 375 HH.
With 300 HH going for a couple bucks a piece on a good day I need as much life as I can get. Let me know what you need $ for the project.
Can your design work on non-belted cases that are bulged in front of the web?
Yes, but there is a qualification, All these Belted Magnum cases are based on the 375 H&H case, so one die covers them all. For this to work on NON belted cases they would have to be made individually and case specific due to the multitude of different size cases in the world. In theory one die would work for a particular case such as the .308 and all the renditions based on it like .243, .260, and 7mm-08 all use the same case, they are just necked to caliber...

As a note I have never known of case bulging issues on non belted magnum cases.

Actually now that I think about it I did have a non belted case (28 Nosler) that would ever so slightly bulge the case right ahead of the webbing. Turned out the issue was the chamber, it was cut with a used (EBAY) chamber reamer and had slop in the rear area., I bought a fresh sharp reamer cut the barrel chamber back and re-chambered and the problem was solved.
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