BC for a Remington 405 grain .458


Sep 29, 2004
Alright, I know this is not a Nosler bullet, but I was wondering if anyone knew the Ballistic Coefficient for the Remington 405 grain .458? Just curious. Thanks.
Ptetty close there POP. According to the 2009 Remington catalog the ballistic coefficient of the 405 grain .458 diameter bullet is 0.281.
It is a brick, but it shoots pretty good and did a fine job on a mulie for me a few years ago.
R Flowers":3afk66vl said:
Ptetty close there POP. According to the 2009 Remington catalog the ballistic coefficient of the 405 grain .458 diameter bullet is 0.281.

Correct. I git the value from quickload which lists multiple bc's pending on velocity. What they list is 281-284 but for a bullet used for under 150 - 200 yard shots who cares really?