I use the T/C Bore Butter and have not had any issues. I use a primer cleaning tool to ensure that the nipple is clear and than put in a film of the Bore Butter.
I use a nipple pick or a paper clip to clean out the flash hole of the breech plug. I learned a trick last year for cleaning at the range also. I found that although I was getting the barrel clean and dry between shots, I was not getting the breech plug clean and dry with the ramrod/jag. If you take a patch worm and put it on a longer polyester ram rod (homemade) then all you have to do is hook the patch through both metal prongs of the worm and turn clockwise down against the breech and you will be able to clean it and dry it out well for range use.
I use 110 Triple 7, Win 209 primers, 348 powerbelts and have shot 1 inch groups off the bench at 100 here in sabotless/scopeless Colorado.
What do you think about that blackhorn 209 powder? I've been reading about it and understand it burns cleaner and faster than anything else with standard shotgun primers. I'm considering giving some a try but if it's not as accurate, I'll stick with triple 7 and my 1 inch group with the "crud ring".
If you are gettin that good of groups, I wouldn't change it! The new stuff cant be that much cleaner or faster. ( keep up the good work! )
I usually let my breach plug soak while I am cleaning the rest of the gun also. There is some stuff in a tube from CVA that I use also to get out the REALLY thick and hard crud from not doing a good enough job the last time. I am on the road right now, but when I get home, I'll find it and post the name. It is a chemical, but it cuts the crud better than anything I have ever found. I think it's called bore Blaster or something similar.
YoteSmoker, give the BH209 a try. I believe your groups will be as good or better. You do not have to clean between shots. The claims made about this stuff is true. I have used it. JD, give the stuff a try; I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Be sure to use full strength 209's such as Fed. 209A's, not the ones for 777. Have fun :grin:
The stuff I use for really bad crud is Barrel Blaster Wonder Gel Solvent from CVA
Whe I run out of the 777 I might try it if it is as clean as you say.(since you said it)
Heres a link: http://www.cva.com/cleaning.html