Bubble Level?


Dec 2, 2010
I don't know if this is the right spot for it on the forum but it is here for now. Does anyone use a bubble level when shooting at the range? I am looking at the Vortex level for my new 6mmBR build. Is it worth the $32 or not?
I use the crosshairs and target grid. Seems like your target and rifle would have to be in the same plane and not just one. I do use a level when mounting my scopes.Rick.
Many long-range competitors, F-class, benchrest and traditional prone, use the bubble levels.

I'm going to say it depends on what distance are you shooting , and what are you trying to do ? if your only trying to shoot deer at 100 yards and closer , save your money . I'd say that since I've started using one my groups have tightened up . I've noticed at the range that I would cant my rifle to look true to the target , if my target is crooked so is my rifle . when using a level I know my rifle is level and I don't get fooled by a crooked target . since using one for a few years I kinda know what a straight up stock feels like against my shoulder , and I think this helps when shooting my rifles that don't have a level . I only have them on my long range rifles . I really don't think they are necessary on a hunting rifle at the distances most guys shoot . if you like to experiment I'd say this is well worth the $32 just to play with . I don't have the scope mounted level , I use the ones that attach to my scope rail . I can see this type level easily while I'm in the shooting position . here is a link to an article on this topic . it's been a while since I've read it , but I think it gets into how the line of sight needs to be directly over the bullet path , also how much error , canting will cause at longer distances . Jim

http://www.longrangehunting.com/article ... racy-1.php
Your groups will tighten up and become more consistent. It will also help out tremendously if you dial your dope at extended ranges.
During load development and sighting-in, I use a level when I tape the target to the board. I try to ensure that the gridlines on the target are level. Then I try to be sure my cross hairs are aligned with the grid lines on the target.

I have used the level-level product, in conjunction with other methods, to mount scopes on rifles. I think it is very important to have the scope properly aligned on the rifle.
If you are looking for extreme precision , especially at long range, get a level. My father did not believe that cant in the rifle was worth looking at. We went out one day and at 800 yards I told him to ignore the level and eye ball it.His group was about 8 inches in size but was over ten inches off for windage. He then fired a group watching the level, it was about 6 inches in size and right in the center of the bulls eye. From that point on, every rifle he has has had a level put on it. He made the investment of the Wheeler Engineering scope leveling kit (which I highly recommended) to 'zero' his levels. I have found the use of levels to be night and day. However, most of my shooting is done past 600 yards. If you are looking to be competitive in BR, I recommend one.

All in all, I would invest in a level if it was me.
.300winmag":1l4ykpbn said:
If you are looking for extreme precision , especially at long range, get a level.
All in all, I would invest in a level if it was me.

I agree 100% sir.
FOTIS":3m51f6gb said:
.300winmag":3m51f6gb said:
If you are looking for extreme precision , especially at long range, get a level.
All in all, I would invest in a level if it was me.

I agree 100% sir.

I too concur sir.
Yes I use them on anything I'm planning on shooting long range with.
I currently have one on my .308, my 22-250 and my 6BR.

http://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/i ... 00080T1006

I have one of them mounted on the scope base.
Put rifle in vise and lock it in place.
Mounting a scope I use another level across the top turret cap to ensure the reticle is level to the bore.
You have to decide what you need? I have (7) spirit levels on (7) rifles of (3) different designs of which (4) are the Vortex level! I have (1) rimfire that does not have a spirit level.
Canting does play a role on impact, I have three match rifles, they all have a hollands bubble level on them.