California Firearms Licensee Check System

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
Starting July 1, 2008
Prohibits any FFL from shipping firearms to an FFL in California without obtaining a verification aproval # from a new database of California FFLs that the California Department of Justice will maintain. The California FFL holders have to register in this state data base.
Any firearm shipped without this Verification approval number of a no ship notice will constitute a violation on the part of the receiving FFL holder.
That means an out of state FFL dealer wanting to sell and ship to a California FFL dealer will have to contact this nationwide network to get an OK to ship.
No wonder no one wants to sell to California buyers.

It's one more restriction that most out of state dealers will probably simply learn. It can all be acomplished by a call and a faxed return so it's not an expense issue but "Just what in the hell it will help" I don't know.
This is on the California departmant of justice CFLC overview under Bureau of firearms (New Laws)
Elkhunt :x
I understand this to be a requirement for each shipment to the FFL a dealer makes. It isn`t a one time thing and is just another hassle Califoria is putting on gun dealers.
BTW it just might be breaking federal interstate commerce laws but, it will probably take someone sueing and a 20yr wait for the courts to finally decide.
Don't laugh at California, in Canada we have spent over 2 Billion dollars on a registry sytem that was projected to cost 200 million dollars and the crime rate has went up. All that and, nobody has yet to ask the question: geez, if a convicted second degree murder is elegible for parole after serving 2/3's of the sentence (which used to be a 3rd) max 25 years, so 16 years and your'almost home free at most. NO, sorry that should be NEVER eligible. Com'n, there has been 50 or more homocides in Edmonton( a city of under 1 million people) per year for awhile. That rate is more than the state of Texas per annum!!! Texas, with how many million poeple? Oh yeah, and a guarantee to not survive if you commit murder in that state. Gee, what is going on here!!! Seems to me the logic involved with certain justice systems is a little flawed.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people!!! Why blame a piece of steel & wood, when it takes a human or living being to use that tool on anything? Makes no sense to blame the tool, when it takes a human being to control it and do damage with it. The governator of seems California to have been doing an alright job externally, but needs to clue in to this. What is the cause of such violence? The weapons used are only a symptom of bigger problems. Statically, firearms cause a small fraction of the deaths compared to smoking, vehicles and suicide (in Canada).

It's absolutely sickening. I wonder how many people actually connect the weak crimal justice system in Canada with a high crime rate we are all so concerned about?? Seems to me, if you would have to trade your own life for the one you would take, the reasons to proceed would be a lot harder to justify! Not meaning to be quite so belligerant, but it gets to be enough. I haven't had a speeding or parking ticket is a couple years(no criminal charges ever) and I have to be very careful with how I sell, transfer or store my guns because they are so bad!!!! BUt beat your wife to death with a baseball bat and you'll be in jail at most 16 years, What the heck????
16 years, going broke takes 7 years to recover from, a human life ought to be worth alot more than that!! ALL that, and the bull crap of going thro the licensing and trying to transfer registration to another person and get travel/transit permits to go to the range and back with a handgun or resticted firearem like an AR-15 that isn't useable to hunt with because it's restricted!!!
Seems a little screwy to me... Be sure to protect you rights guys, or you'll be as screwed as we are!!!! That second amendment is gold, don't be careless with it!!!! If you don't believe me book a hunt up here and see how much fun this system here can be to work with!!!

Pardon the tiraid, I feel strongly about this subject. OUrs is a liveable system, which has become a bit more user friendly of late. However, it hasn't really fixed or changed anything, all that for $2billion. It is rather unfortunate, we could have done alot better on that much investment elsewhere.


Move to the USA and join the NRA.
We need more people in the states that appreciate the value of our second amendment.
Well, I'm the only child out of 6 not born in the US. The nearest hospital for us was 25 miles away in Minn. I went on a harvesting crew down to Texas when I was 19 and worked north for one season. I would have no problems living in TX, OK, KS, SD, ND or CO. Gorgeous country, and great people. If I found work with a Canadian oilfield company down there I'd likely go in a heartbeat, since that's the only way I could go legally, and it doesn't get to -45 nearly as often in KS or OK :grin:

However, Canada is home and I'll be darned if I'll just quit. I may not like or agree with our government and some of our media, but quiting wouldn't solve anything.

We are Politically Correct enought to make one sick tho, for example.

I do find it odd that the Father of abortion in Canada, Henry Morgentaler, was awarded "The Order of Canada". Yet the Canadian Forces wouldn't allow medals be awarded to our troops for a world record sniper kill @ 2432m that actaually saved allied lives??? :roll:

Yeah, that's the logic we get to work with....... We're just nice canadians.....

Kinda wierd thinkin'.
