Case Neck Lube


May 22, 2012
I got some white powder from Cabelas awhile back and it dose not work well for me at all. Just wondering what others are using, powdered graphite?.
I use a little of the Lee case lube. It is white, grease-like without being runny as an oil would be, and does not get sticky if it dries on the case
Imperial sizing wax applied with your finger tips. A small can will last for thousands of rounds and nothing is slippier. Easily removed too. Once you try it you'll be hooked.
Notice - I'm NOT taking about their 'dry lube", its the sizing wax that works miracles.
RCBS case lube. put a thick area of lube on pad then dab-dab-dab the neck then roll the case on lightly covered area of pad.
Imperial and Hornady, I like both but the Hornady gets a little thin in very warm weather.