Chrono Check on my 243 and 300WSM


Jan 14, 2008
I made it to the pit this weekend. Set up the bench and set the targets at 95yds(no more room). Put the rest on the bench - rifle in rest - loads and pen and paper near me. Un-packed Chrono grabbed the tri-pod and ...... :cry:

the mounting plate is on the spotting scope at home!!!! :evil:

Oh well, shot three shots of each and yep 1.5" high at 95yds - easily less then 1 moa. All's good.

I'll be playing with the muzzleloader soon and will check velocity then.
That's funny.

You should have seen my face the day I went fishing... and left my reel at home on the desk...

It is fun being different, it seems I spend 2 days getting ready for the range and then forget one thing or the other :oops:
I thing it is old age on my part but that is okay as people expect it :)

Oh Well Do it again with the attachment this time