Does Nosler make the Combined Technology Ballistic Silvertip Bullets? I shoot a Thompson Pro Hunter and have been improving items on it to make it shoot better. Added 30-06 Bergara barrel, Mike Belm 1x hinge pin, Steve Stratton hangar bar system, OPS muzzle brake, 6 hole scope rail mounting, and 4 Eabco scope rings. I could not get 150 grain bullets to shoot very well (2" groups),I could only get 180 grain bullets to shoot best threw it (all at 100 yards). I was about too and still wanting too get into reloading to try to get my rifle to group better. After all those changes i went out to the range to see how the 180's grouped(1"groups). I had 4 -168 grain winchester Ballistic silvertip bullets so i though i would give them a try. Well to say the least i am ELATED!!! :grin: The first shot i knew i pulled but the other 3 felt good. By the way i am in no way a competitive shooter ,just a regular deer hunter wanting a real tack driver.