Combined Technology Ballistic Silvertip Bullets ?????????


Dec 25, 2008
Does Nosler make the Combined Technology Ballistic Silvertip Bullets? I shoot a Thompson Pro Hunter and have been improving items on it to make it shoot better. Added 30-06 Bergara barrel, Mike Belm 1x hinge pin, Steve Stratton hangar bar system, OPS muzzle brake, 6 hole scope rail mounting, and 4 Eabco scope rings. I could not get 150 grain bullets to shoot very well (2" groups),I could only get 180 grain bullets to shoot best threw it (all at 100 yards). I was about too and still wanting too get into reloading to try to get my rifle to group better. After all those changes i went out to the range to see how the 180's grouped(1"groups). I had 4 -168 grain winchester Ballistic silvertip bullets so i though i would give them a try. Well to say the least i am ELATED!!! :grin: The first shot i knew i pulled but the other 3 felt good. By the way i am in no way a competitive shooter ,just a regular deer hunter wanting a real tack driver.


Pictures are small can't figure out how to make them bigger,sorry. The four shot round of the 168 grain I can fit 3 of them under a dime. If it sounds like i am bragging I, I guess I am. I have never shot this well, ever. I bought more of the Winchester and want to see if they still group great. If i get the same results I think I am going to stick with the factory ammo and see how OBAMA plays his cards with the guns and ammo issue.
I think you have a right to brag! You could probably do better or as good for less cost at hand loading, But hey! we're hand loaders What do you expect us to say! Those are great groups, if you can't get better groups with hand loads, stick to the factory stuff.
Great job! The load is only as good as the person behind the trigger.
Those are some fine groups. You have a good rifle and a consistent technique. Congratulations. Handloading is such fun, and the excitement of a different combination, that you will want to get into the game if for no other reason then the excitement of the chase.

Consequently, to see the groups, one need but hold ctrl + "+" to enlarge on their screen. To reduce fonts, hold ctrl + "-".
My understanding is that Ballistic Silver Tips are Ballistic tips with a black lube aloc(?) coating and silver tips that are used on Winchester rounds.
Don't mean to hi-jack your thread Buckfat

I am actually in the process of developing some loads for my 7mm using the 140 gr CT Silvertip moly's. Would anyone know of a known seating depth this bullet perfers? I know all rifles are different! I am planning on starting at 0.050 off the lands which will give me a COAL of 3.328. Then moving it 0.010 closer to try and find a sweet spot. Seems where the ojive is set so far back on the bullet it would benefit from a shorter jump.

Any suggestions?

Welcome to the forum. In my 280, I load 140 CT Ballistic Silvertips 0.020" off the lands. Same for the 7mm WSM. Excellent accuracy with this bullet.


Nosler markets the Ballistic Silvertip. Nosler and Winchester joined to form Combined Technology to produce and market bullets with a black, lubalox coating. It was an exciting venture that benefitted shooters. Among the fine bullets that were marketed were the Failsafe, the Partition Gold and the Ballistic Silvertip. I had great success with the Failsafe in my 300 WSM and in my 7mm Remington Magnum. I purchased a good supply when I heard that they would no longer be produced, and I am still shooting them in these calibres. I didn't do a lot with the Partition Gold as the Partition was doing what I needed in those rifles that I was loading with it. I have used the Ballistic Silvertip in my 280, and it shoots quite well.

DrMike is correct, the CT Silvertip is made by Nosler. Winchester adds their Lubalox coating to the Nosler bullet.

The image size is hard to see detail, try 640px × 480px.
As already noted, you should be proud of your group. It shows load consistency, an accurate rifle, and good shooting technique. Well done.


Welcome to the forum.
I have had my best accuracy with the BT's loading .015-.020" off the lands but every rifle is unique. My M700 LSS 338 RUM has a lot of free bore. I load my COL to just under the max magazine length and she shoots sub .5 MOA out to 500 yds.

Buckfat, I've shot some of my best groups with the BSST. Playing with the OAL can make a big difference with these bullets. Start close to the lands, or magazine length, and work in until you find what your gun likes. The 200gr BSST is the go to bullet for my .338 Win, and it likes them shorter then I would have expected.
I guess I was able to answer my own question! In my rifle they like it .050 off the lands. Rounds fired = 5

Nothing wrong with that. Looks like you have found what you were looking for.