Crummy sentencing day


Dec 26, 2016
Today the Crumley’s will be sentenced in the Oxford shooter case. If news hasn’t reached you, Ethan Crumly shot and killed 4 classmates. Others were wounded.thenshooter was found guilty, and for the first time the Parents were brought up on manslaughter and negligence charges in connection with the murders.

The story is tragic. Came out during Ethan’s trial that in addition ignoring torturing cats, violent drawings, stating he heard voices to shoot up the school, asking for help, parents buying a minor a gun, not securing it, being called into the school on the day of the school being requested to take him home for the rest of the day and refusing to do so, reports of a gun in his backpack (school failure for not following up…). Just failure all around. The marriage was broken before this happened, lots of substance abuse and affairs.. the parents lawyers are portraying the parents as also victims.

Pretty sure this will be national news. When we lived in the Metro Detroit area.. we were in Lake Orion, which is the neighboring town next to Oxford… Oxford mostly a farm community still, but metro Detroit has sprawled north a long ways… I think Lake Orion is about 30 miles north of Detroit and it’s all suburbs south of LO.

Definitely a horrible situation that reflects bad on society and what it’s become.

Kudu’s to all you who have stayed in your kids and grandkids lives…leading them.
I think you had the title correct the first time.
In this case, both parents are at fault.
In addition, the school is at fault and those involved at the school should be hung along side with the crummy Crumblys.

Normally when discussing news worthy cases I actually like to read the case or at least the trial notes before jumping in. In this case, three separate trials; three separate convictions would indicate that the prosecutors established the elements of the crime had occurred. I’m curious what happened with staff at school who failed to follow up on reports he had a gun.
I think this case is a good wake up call for a society that seems destined to advance a no accountability standard. So many people in this case had a chance to make a difference. If the press provided a good assessment these parents failed horribly and deserve jail time.
Sorry for the man-child. However, he was going to have to learn about accountability at some time. While prison is no cakewalk, he is still breathing. The parents? Well, they brought the child into this world, and that does impose responsibility on a man and a woman, regardless of what "Soros funded and inspired" DAs may think. Looks as if they need to learn something about accountability. Now, as for the teachers and administrators at the school...
We've got to get back to being a society where responsible people are respected. Where we raise strong young people to be the next generation.

I'm a believer, but I also think that good people can be raised even if they aren't particularly religious. It's having that basic understanding of right and wrong.... I know too many good & great people who don't attend church, but they know right from wrong and raised their kids that way. Me, I do rely on the teachings, on my church buddies and what I read in the bible to help guide me. It's brought me around a few times when I had messed up ideas about something.

We've got to get back to acting responsibly and bringing up future generations that way. Family, honesty, all that... That's what a healthy society is really built upon. I saw so much bad as a cop. :(

We need to dilute the chlorine in the gene pool.

Saw a IG post that said we didn't have these problems growing up because we had lawn darts, big wheels and didn't have to wear seat belts, pretty much eliminated the ignorant

*Edited to correct my phone's autocorrect
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I was listening to the victim impact statements on my way in from running the dogs. Such a tragedy. Went to three “accidental” shootings and a suicide where kids had access to the key or combination or knew where the gun was hidden. Every body else was surprised the kids knew how to access the guns. The suicide was a middle school kid, he took the pistol to school as the bell rang to start the day he killed himself in front of his class mates. Two were cases of just showing dad’s gun, one dead one hurt. One of them was the son of a partner of mine. Kid was a handful, adventurous and always on the edge. Duty pistol was kept locked up in a small safe. #1 son knew the combination, couple buddies over after school and he decided to show off the gun. Shoots a friend through the spleen with 230gr. “Black Talon”. Kid survives because it happens just about everyone in the neighborhood is a cop or firefighter, the shot was heard and two boys were seen running. Paramedics were there in under 4minutes. Seattle press had a field day with Juvenile shot with SWAT Officers gun.
Point is, every one of these kids reportedly had been trained up never to play with guns, the guns were secured with in the home and they were good families.
Think about it. Don’t be lackadaisical about your firearms storage.