Dose anybody shoot a handi-rifle?


May 20, 2007
Hi Guy's

A follow up to my last post, still thinking of getting a handi-rifle so i thought i would ask if any of you have a handi-rifle and what kind of
accuracy you get and what calibers you have? Thanks guy's for your
help :)

got one in .223. i think the best calibers accuracy-wise are the .223, .30/30 and the .308. i'm sure there are others, but these are the ones i've heard the most good about. the 243 i hear doesn't stabilize bullets vey well once you get over 80grains or so. they are a good gun for the money. accuracy was just so-so at first, but after a couple hunderd rounds it shoots pretty darn good. with 55gr winchester psp it shoots 1". my son has taken 3 hogs and a doe with this load. they all dropped on the spot. with a 50gr hornady v-max and W748 it will usually break the 3/4" mark. its a great bullet for coyotes and bobcats. the only thing i've done to the rifle is i floated the forearm. you can do a trigger job on them, but it requires taking the rifle just about completely apart. i ordered a youth stock for mine and cut it down a little more to fit him. now he and i can both enjoy the little rifle. check out this site for more info
Yep!!.....I think I have one!............An M77 Ruger Frontier MK2 with a 16.5" barrel chambered in the 300 WSM. 7lbs. 5 oz. with scope, 35.5" in OAL. I also switch between a conventional scope and a scout styled scope...........My chrono results with the 150, 180, and the 200 gr. bullets well exceed a 24" barreled 30-06!!..............It`s a handy little boomer!!!
If you're talking about the NEF/HR Handi-Rifle, then my friend and his son each have one in .270. They both shoot under an inch with Remington factory loads. If you're talking about short rifles, my son's Ruger compact.243 shoots .75 or less (him shooting!) 100 gt PT's and Speer 100's.
My dad and I have two apeice, one .308 and the other in .280 both shoot sub MOA. They are good rifles and easy on the wallet. NEF offers other barrels at reasonable prices the draw back is you have to send the receiver back to the factory to have the barrel fitted. They also can do a trigger job at the factory for 20 bucks. They say that they can only lower the pull to 3 1/2 lbs but both of mine came back just a hair over 3 lbs. My 308 carries like a dream in the woods and i'v killed a couple of deer with it (this is my first hunting season with it) and the 280 has taken several. I would not trade either of them for anything.