"Dry" Fire forming 222 Remington from new brass...


Jun 1, 2012
Is there a procedure for fire-forming new brass without using bullets ?
Just primers, powder and some "media" (paper, cream of wheat...else) ?
In the specific, I have a box of new 222 brass that I'd like to fire-form before try accuracy and was wondering whether there is a method which could save me the bother to go to the range...and save my barrel, too..... :wink:

Thank you in advance.
Put a few gr ( 3-4)of fast pistol powder in the case then fill with cornmeal seal with wax( few drops off a candle). Outside point up and shoot check case add more powder if not formed if formed load rest of your case. Did this to form 458AccRel Was using a old dark bore barrel to save my good barrel. It really cleaned the crud out and it shoots good now not as good as the good barrel but better. Clint
That doesn't seem to me it would properly form the case to the chamber...not enough pressure. I've never tried it, using the normal method, so; I can't say it would or wouldn't work. It seems to me it won't.
I've used this method to form Ackley cases for my 2506. I can verify that it does work. I was in the 9-11 grain range with powder, red dot If I recall correctly, but I was using a much larger case.. and I used a wadded up piece of toilet paper to keep the media in instead of fooling with wax.
I was under the impression that on new brass that was specked for you caliber that only affected accuracy a tad if you did not fire form but if you were say doing an Ackley Improved from a plain caliber that it was a must to fire form them to the chamber to increase the shoulder into ackley improved shoulder! Was watch a guy COW his brass and it made all the sence what he was doing but for new brass in a new chamber of proper caliber I do not think it is a must?


This guy is kinda slow and his method seems like it works for him but remember this is the Internet and this was a question I had and from what I see nothing looks too suspect of causing any issue and I have a friend that does some of his brass the same way without issue!
Not sure what the bother in trying to fire form a factory chamber? Start load development . I'm not sure how many rounds you plan on firing, but to burn out a barrel
Or throat on a triple duece would take some reckless abandonment , if your letting your barrel cool between shots and clean when accuracy falls off you likley have in the neighborhood of 5000 rounds down range before worrying.
I guess I'm saying shoot it more fun same overall result.
Thanks for your help.
The main reasons I wanted to fire form was mainly due to :

- new brass not being too straight
- avoiding to go to the range, which is quite far away (since the usual range is closed these days).

I agree that shooting at targets is wayyy more fun than fire forming my brass...

With regards to barrel life, I'd guess (and hope....... :) to get close more to 10k....
I shoot with no hurry and I clean every 30-40 rounds.

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