Eastmans Hunting Journal


Nov 4, 2013
Just a FWIW,
I've been a subscriber for a couple of years and a pre-season special 2014 flyer came in today's mail with what seems to be a pretty good offer for those that may be interested in a new subscribtion or a renewal.
They are offering a new Outdoor Edge Razor Blaze knife with extra replacement blades and a sheath for free with a paid subscription, you pay the $9.95 S&H. This knife retails for $50......more than the cost of a subscription. The code # on the back of my flyer is EHJPSS2014.
I'm not on their payroll or trying to hawk their magazines but it did seem to be a pretty good deal for someone who'd like to get their magazine and could use a new knife........
Hope this helps,


Thanks for the heads up!
That sounds like a pretty good deal.

You fellas are more than welcome, I wasn't sure when my subscription expired so I called them up and ended up pulling the trigger on a renewal and said "what the hell, I'll get the knife too"...... Maybe give it to one of my grandsons....... Subcription is good til 2016 though...... HA HA.......
One can never have enough knives or reading material. ;)

Dumb question, have some pms hung up in my outbox that aren't being delivered.... What am I doing wrong?
I think they will stay in the outbox till your recipient reads it..
Thanks for clearing that up Scotty, figured I was doing something wrong...... Again. ;)
Nah, you weren't doing nothing wrong Bob. I have to be careful I don't delete PM's I write before the recipient gets them if I get to cleanin my inbox sometimes.