ejection problems


Apr 25, 2012
Guy's I'm really not a stupid person but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've been using Winchester 231 powder in 9mm cartridges I started out low aboust 3.6 grains and had a lot of ejection problems. So I went to 4.4 grains and this seemed to high to me (flames and sparks coming out of gas relief). So I went to 4.0 grains, it was fine for a magazine then I started having ejection problems again and now have a bullet stuck in my barrel. The gun was clean I clean it after every use, and I lightly oiled the barrel as I should. I do fell like the barrel seems extremely dry though. Questions: Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? What scale do you feel is the best? Can I remove the stuck bullet and re-use the barrel or just buy new? Could I be crimping the case to much? I don't know I'm at my wits end, I love re-loading, and really want to continue but I need some good advice from people who know and i've found some really knowledgable people here. Thanks for all your support in advance. :x
how does it work with standard factory ammo?

what gr bullet did you load?

what is the gun make?

remove the bullet with a .340" dowel from muzzle to chamber!
factory ammo seemed to run through fine all though I wanted to and obviously could'nt fire any after the jam. I use 115 grain bullets fro rainier using a Ruger p95( I know not the best firearm but I'm just getting involved in the sport so i'm learning as i go. Thank you for your response
I also had huge problems with those bullets in my Sig P226!
I gave them all away after having to putt way too many to mention here.

Get a decent bullet (mine were well undersized to the point that they did not accept a crimp!) and remove the stuck bullet . You will be fine.

Also my loads call for 4.7 gr 231 with 124 JHP so you are low.... Hence the stuck bullet/FFE
About the only thing I can offer is there is no need to oil the barrel. On fireing with out taking the oil out the pressures can sky rocket by having the oil in there. I have been shooting and reloading handguns for 15 years not a long time. I have shot many many bullets down an unoiled barrel with no issues.

just on a sidenote: rainier lead bullets are plated. they are not jacketed. there are better bullets for less $$.

I load my 9mm for light recoil mainly for my glock 34. I use titegroup and 115fmj. the only time my gun doesn't eject is when someone with very limited experience is shooting it.

how are you measuring your powder charges?
You can keep the bbl oiled with a lightly ...and i do mean very lightly film of oil on the outside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to the point that you shouldnt see the oil but rather only be able to feel the oil. that is how light.

You don't want oil whatosever getting into the bbl or chamber. This will make for a mess. It will also make for very unstable loads in the accuracy dept.
o.k well i just learned a lot and am doing just about everything i could do wrong!! So i'm off to unload all the rounds and start over. With a better bullet, clean but not oiled barrel, and I just ordered a lyman scale, I was using a lee balance scale and coming up with very in consistent loads, assuming it was my powder measure, i'm curious to see what the loads weigh when i take them apart and weigh them with the new scale. I loaded about 150 rounds and weighed everyone of them. thank you all so much I can't express enough how helpfull everyone is even to a rookie with dumb questions, please keep info coming and know it is greatly appreciated
Welcome to the forum. Those aren't stupid questions but at least your smart enough to stop and ask. The guys here are more than willing to help a guy out and point them in the right direction.