Guy's I'm really not a stupid person but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've been using Winchester 231 powder in 9mm cartridges I started out low aboust 3.6 grains and had a lot of ejection problems. So I went to 4.4 grains and this seemed to high to me (flames and sparks coming out of gas relief). So I went to 4.0 grains, it was fine for a magazine then I started having ejection problems again and now have a bullet stuck in my barrel. The gun was clean I clean it after every use, and I lightly oiled the barrel as I should. I do fell like the barrel seems extremely dry though. Questions: Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? What scale do you feel is the best? Can I remove the stuck bullet and re-use the barrel or just buy new? Could I be crimping the case to much? I don't know I'm at my wits end, I love re-loading, and really want to continue but I need some good advice from people who know and i've found some really knowledgable people here. Thanks for all your support in advance. :x