Fat old man shoots 14 point 'Imperial' in Scotland!


Jul 16, 2011
As per the title....took some time to sort out the Nosler 110gn AccuBond load for my .25-06Rem. But, after two years of overcoming some challenges, my first 2014 trip to Scotland during the 'rut', this pretty large stag presented and I took the killing shot using my trusty Blaser K95 (now 11 years old) & sure enough, it still does the job.....so too does the fat old man behind it!

Shot on Saturday 4th Oct at last light, it's 260lbs dressed out. (the stag, not me) & I much appreciate the help of my very good hunting friends for extracting it last Sunday morning.

Very best wishes, ET


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Congratulations on a splendid stag. You have done well, indeed! Excellent.
Very nice!
It's on my bucket list to go over and take one but I'll wear me kilt aye.

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Great shooting ET that rite there just makes me wanta grab my 257 Mark V and drive to Colorado and purchase an OTC Tag :) and throw a 100 gr or 110 gr in it and see if I could drop a monster like yours! That is 1 fine stag and how does that work in your area ? How many can ya take in a year? Help me out with Imperial as i am not familiar with this name? Congratulations on a fine Imperial !
Well lads, thanks for your kind comments.

On the estate where I shoot it's private and so we have an annual cull number of both stags & bucks also hinds & doe's.
Our cull number for red stags is 12, so between 1st Aug & 21st Oct we have to shoot at least 12 (but we're unrestricted so can shoot more While that sounds fine, disposing of the venison is tricky. We have to sell lots and the cash goes back into the shoot, but finding game dealers that will take the quantity isn't so easy.

Up to now in the last two weeks 8 stags have been shot. John has shot three, I shot one, Michael and Steven have shot two each. We don't go up to Scotland until the last week of September because the 'midgies' are a real pain before that.
We can shoot as many roe bucks as we see.

On 21st Oct the stag season closes and the hind/doe season opens. We can shoot as many doe's as we want and must shoot at least 25 red hinds.
Feral goat are there and there's no close season so we just shoot them whenever we see them. Reckon there's probably 500-700 spread over the land area, so far too many and really they're just shot on sight as convenience allows.

During the rut period (now) stags are 'pumped up' with testosterone and adrenalin for fighting for the females and when shot with pretty much any cal bullet are likely to run unless it's a neck/spine shot. My stag was shot left lung lobe and clipping the top of the heart and exiting via right rib cage (Nosler 110gn AccuBond). The stag ran maybe 250 yards total before death. Took perhaps one minute from shot to collapse.

12 points total and 3 on each crown would be a 'Royal'. 14 points and 4 in each crown is an 'Imperial', 4 in each crown and 16 points total is a 'Monarch' commercially it would cost at leat $1600 to pull the trigger on a Royal stag. More for any of the others. Most commercial estates will only let clients shoot 8 & 10 points unless they're sure of the cash.

I am in a very privileged position as part of a private syndicate. I don't have any 'clout' within it, but have shot with these lads for over 30 years on the land. I pay my whack and enjoy the sport. The cost is reasonable and I don't have to pay any trophy fees etc etc. All hunting is done on our own and we all trust each other implicitly to do and behave correctly.
Cheers, ET :)
Nicely done! I've been itching to go to Europe for a stag for some time.
HOGWILD338-378":2ltd8vnm said:
Help me out with Imperial as i am not familiar with this name? Congratulations on a fine Imperial !

Here in Canada, we call them a "Royal." It refers to an elk (stag) with at least seven points on one side. Usually, the antlers are symmetrical.
ET thanks for the explanation and I would melt a couple credit cards real quick! Mike and Charlie I would have never figured that one out as being from the Deep South I have never heard of such but it's pretty neat and surely an old tradition in game management when all thi time I thought 22 HP's were the way to go ?
Wow ET what a great stag! That beast is both beautiful and downright awesome.

It seems you guys are having a little trouble with filling your cull amounts. I would like to offer my services of giving you a hand if needed in culling said stags, bucks, hinds, and does.

I can imagine that the task is very exhausting and wouldn't it be nice to have a fresh set of eyes, ears, and legs help you out? :):):)
That is one magnificent stag!! Thank you for the posting with the photos!!

Wow Elmer that's fantastic! Sounds a lot like paradise having so many game animals to shoot, I'd be totally into that style of hunting. How long have you be doing that over there?
Again lads, thanks for your kind comments. Personally as a guest, I've been shooting this ground for over thirty years and have been very fortunate to have a good friend who controls the shooting on it.

Stags are currently rutting in the UK, so although many are shot at this time of year by far the biggest majority are sold on to game dealers and are exported. The main reason is that a testosterone filled stag & particularly the bigger older ones are really not good eating.

Calves in particular and younger females are always best eating - well, in my opinion anyway. The season will open on them on 21st October. Right now they are showing all over the place on our hunting ground, but they also know when it's the 21st and will immediately become harder to find.

It will be the end of October before I can get back to Scotland to hunt again, but then we have until 15th Feb. '15 to reach our cull. It will be quite easy to do that and so satisfy the land agent.