While living in one of the so called cwd areas from Alberta, my self and many of the hunters I've talked to see that numbers of both whitetail and muleys are down considerably. Between the extra tags, the extended seasons, and the areial cull done by the srd, finding a shooter muley buck in these zones is like trying to win the loto, odds are not in your favour. Now I wonder if these practices are even going to be worth it if our eastern neighbors in sask. don,t effectively do the same extensive culling practices to rid cwd animals. An old friend and ex-gov. biologist called it "filling the void" all of Albertas work on stopping cwd may backfire and make it worse as more infected sask deer cross the border to fill the habitat of the culled Ab deer, if there is food and habitat it is bound to happen. As in most politics a combined effort in do whats right is lost on who gets to be in charge and who gets to pays for it both sides refuseing to use common sense. All I know is I'll be traveling into the western zones for hunting in the future.