Finally.. Repetative Success w/7mm RM


Jan 19, 2008
As some of you know I have experienced trials and tribulations with several new barrels this yrs. In short, dont rebarrel 3 rifles in same time frame, too much to think about at one time, hah! The good news is I got all dialed in, now.

Anyways, I finally got my 7mm RM shooting to my expectations. It was an original 700 LSS in the big 7, but JD'd inspired many of us with pix of his 280 AI, so I put a 27" Brux, fluted #5 in it with a SSG brake. And man does it shoot, especially since I rescoped it with a VXIII, 6.5-20 LR..

Here are my repetative results fom the other day.. As I get more trigger time with it, I hope to make all the groups look like the one on the right.. :wink: Next timeout I got to find a longer range to stretch her legs out.. Thanx for listening.


Looks like a positive move on your part. The rifle promises to be a shooter. The groups will only get tighter as you continue shooting.

Nicely done! 300 yd groups are impressive.

Thanks for the support Guys. Now the key is can I do it again, and again, that remains to be seen lol.. I know the rifle is capable.

6mm, easy to dope the wind here, we just always figure in 20 kts outta the N/NW, if its windy we just dial in another 20. :lol: Actually, the day I shot is the second day ever recorded in ND history with no wind.. Whats even funnier is, it was the first time out with brand new spanky benchrest wind flags too & they didn't even work... :wink:

Two sub one inch groups at 300 yards?

A 1/2 inch group at 300 yards? WOW!


You are set for anything in North America except really big bears.

Nice shooting sir!
Awesome group there Rod. I always wanted a 7MM Remington Magnum. Right now my Model 70 is at the gunsmith waiting for a barrel. I had been mulling between the 7MM Remington Mag or the 257 Weatherby. I think you just convinced me. :wink:
That, my friend, is truly OUTSTANDING!!!!

And I thought my 100yrd groups were looking better. Oh, well, I guess its back to the bench for me!

just out of curiosity, what does your 100 yard groups look like? or is it one of those bullet stabilizes past 100 things?

Great shootin', keep the pictures coming.
Wow, those are some incredible groups at 300 yards! Great shooting, sounds like an awesome rifle you have! Scotty