first 39 gr. SBK's from the 20 tac


Sep 29, 2006
well preliminary tests showed the rifle likes the 39 gr sbk's better than the 35 gr bergers, so here is the first group with the sierra's, running approx. 4k fps (haven't chrony'd them yet, loaded with 26 gr benchmark, and br2's in dakota brass.3 shots fired at 150 yards

Zero isn't off, just had the target stand against a hill behind the house, cause my trucks broke and can't get to my range
also took a poke at a chuck that stuck his head up at 280 yards

I think its gonna work.
Some fine marksmanship there in what appears to be a great rifle.
mike hopefully it'll get a bit better, the rifle has a total of 17 rounds downrange, when it gets broken in I'll tweak the load a bit, I'm at max mag length now so most of the tweaking will be in neck tension, powder charge and maybe a primer change.
FWIW, I'm forever tweaking. That takes nothing away from what you have at this point, however. It'll only get better. It is still quite impressive, and all the more so as you have such a small number of rounds through it. My goodness, the throat isn't even lapped yet. Excellent information.
Awesome shooting RR! That is a sweet little cartridge. Those 20 calibers are pretty cool. Never had one, but after hearing you all preach about them for so long, I would like one I think. Scotty
RR -
that is cooking for a Tac!! I'm running 26.5 grains of Benchmark in my .204 as an accuaracy load for p-dogs and similar vermin. Mine likes the 35 grain berger, but it likes the 39 grain sierra as well. What barrel and length are you using? Was there any "splat" with the chuck?
257 Ackley":2fexaywt said:
RR -
that is cooking for a Tac!! I'm running 26.5 grains of Benchmark in my .204 as an accuaracy load for p-dogs and similar vermin. Mine likes the 35 grain berger, but it likes the 39 grain sierra as well. What barrel and length are you using? Was there any "splat" with the chuck?
Its running a 26" 12 twist hart, no splat what you see is the exit, thats just a guess on the MV, want to get around to chrony'in it when I get a tranny in my truck.
I have the same twist and barrel length on the .204. It shoots the 39 sierra, but doesn't like either the 40 grain BT's or v-max bullets.

It is hard to get any splat with the 20 cals and varmints as large as your whistle pig in the pic.
thats the report I get on the 20's twisted 12, 39's are the limit most of the time.
Mt first 204 was the Savage FLV great gun but I needed a wagon to take it anywhere. I then sold it and bought the CZ527.
I shoot the same bullet in the CZ and that is the 39 BKs over top of H4895. I have a old 6-20 B & L on top of it. This rifle is even more accurate than the Savage was :)
