Got the call......


Oct 10, 2004
Well I got the call from Hill Country this morning. My rifle is done and on the way. Sent it in about 9 weeks ago for accurizing. I asked if it was shooting one hole groups :lol: they said no, but it was shooting 1/2" groups 8) .

They say on their web site that for 7m-08's they usually use Fed Premium Ballistic Tips. But for mine it was Barnes TSX. They only use factory ammo so I am hoping if I load up a TSX, to Barnes specs, and measure the ogive that if I load up some Ballistic Tips and Accubonds
to that measurement maybe I can find similar accuracy with the bullets I prefer.

Anyway, I have high hopes for next weekend.


Great news from a great group. I know you'll be happy.

Undoubtedly, as you work up a load with ABs and/or BTs, you'll find that your rifle shoots as well or better than the factory ammunition.

Sounds like a great weekend for you.

With the money I have in this rifle :roll: I am going to shoot it LOTS.

The only gun I have seen that went to Hill Country came back shooting VERY well, indeed.

It was a Weatherby MK V Ultralight chambered in .257 Wby Mag and it would not shoot for shit! Weatherby basically did not want to hear about it, so much for their 1.5 inch group with factory ammo bullshit!

The gun was sent to Hill Country and they did their magic on it. The letter that came back with the gun said it shot best with Weatherby factory ammo loaded with the 115 grain Barnes X bullet. (Not the TSX)

We took it to the range and found it would shoot 1/2 inch groups with that factory load time after time. Problem is, that load has been discontinued.

Oh well, we will find a reload that will work. The 100 grain TSX shows great promise.

By the way, my buddy has killed more than 30 wild hogs with the factory 115 X bullets, all one shot kills!!!!

Hill Country really does work magic.

Congratulations on the "new" rifle.
Let us know how she shoots the Barnes bullets.

:grin: Well the package arrived today. It came with the target shot at 100 yds with a 3 shot group. Measured with my calipers it was .335. When the lady told me 1/2" was a pretty general statement of which I am glad that it measured out smaller and not larger. :grin: As I related earlier, they used 140 TSX.

So I've been reloading lots of Accubonds and Ballistic Tips (I am hoping it likes the 120 BT's) for Saturday...this week is going to really drag.
