Herters 9mm brass???


Apr 5, 2014
Was doing making up some 9mm ammo on my Lee Classic turret press this afternoon. I noticed the Herters brass was hanging up especially hard coming off the expander/powder die. When seating bullets I actually bulged two cases to the point they wouldn't enter completely into the chamber gauge.
Has anybody had any issues with Herters brass in the 9mm?
Herters is a Cabela's store brand. They have been produced by various European maker and Russia. There are a few kinds I'm familiar with. "premium" brass cased, reloadable. No problem with these. Laquored steel... leave in the garbage. Here's the problem one. Brass plated steel, boxer primed. Run your "brass" past the magnet test, I bet it's steel. I believe this was sold for a short time only and made by S&B. S&B and MFS also sold this same ammo, NATO 9x19 headstamped for awhile. Was good stuff but not for reloading.

I avoid any 9x19 headstamps unless I know the origin (RUAG, Fiocchi or RWS).