Homemade Ecaller meets Smartphone


Aug 11, 2008
A few years back I built a homemade Ecaller using a MP3 player and some sequences from Varmint Al's website. I found a plastic box at Walmart and built a carrying case for it. A little epoxy, silicone, Velcro, paint and it was done.



I recently purchased an Android Smart phone and found some great, free apps with different wildlife sounds. I found apps with sound files for Predators, Ducks, Geese, Elk, Deer, Turkey, Moose and an Anti Mosquito program(not sure if it works but hey it was free :) ) Sense I am not one to leave things alone I dug out the old ecaller and used it to boost the sounds.



I made three stands today, no dogs but it was fun to drag the frankencaller out for a while. It had PLENTY of volume and it will work under better calling conditions.
I like it!
Great job on the caller.
Hope you can call in a song dog soon.

Man, that is a GREAT idea. Never thought of it, but I may have to give it a try! Scotty
I don't plan to build any but can give you a parts list if you are interested. I think I picked up the amp, speaker and cords at Radio Shack for around $70 or so. The MP3 player I found in my daughters room. :) the box was $3 or $4 bucks, then some camo paint. Before I tried the smart phone idea I had some wireless mic sets that I used as a wireless remote..the range was poor though. It was better to run the prerecorded sequence from Varmint Al. With the smart phone I can run enough cord to place it in front of me like the old Johnny Stewart callers.
I am still using the Johnny Stewart caller. Works pretty well, but changing tapes is a pain in the butt sometimes. One of these days I will spring for a Fox Pro. Just hard to give up the money. Scotty
Calling a coyote in and zapping it = Priceless. Great idea! Be sure to post pics after you dial in a hungry dog.
I built one with the same speaker, But used a 20 watt 18 volt mono amp i found. Wired a volume control in with a power supply connection from a 12volt alarm system 7amphr battery. Plug in any sound source and it will make your ears bleed. I'm still looking for the perfect sound source, Tried an MP3 player but it will not drive the amp well enough. A foxpro scorpion really gets it cooking. Ever heard a 12' tall coyote howl?