Hot Barrel


Jan 22, 2007
I'm shooting a 7mm Mag and after shooting 6 rounds in my rifle,the barrel gets warm. Also when I eject the cases,they are warm also. Is this normal for a 7 Mag? I'm using 140 gr. silvertips with IMR 4064 powder at 52 grains and Winchester mag primers.

Noslers Rock!
There is a lot a powder being burned at relatively high heat with the ignition of each cartridge. Your barrel is probably warm to the touch after one or two shots, depending on the ambient temperature. Six shots will assuredly heat the barrel.
As a comparison, my 338 RUM gets HOT after 3 shots. Burning 90+ grains of powder heats things up quickly.
What you are describing sounds normal. Try to space your shots keeping the bolt open between shots to allow air flow and aid in cooling.
You can also use some rubbing alcohol on a rag and wipe down the barrel.
This will help disipate the heat.

The simlpe act of standing your gun up with the bolt open helps cooling.
Hot air flows up the barrel and draws cool air in the bolt.
I am always shooting more than one gun when I go to the range so I alternate guns between shots.
I know of a guy who put a fast 20 rnds through a 7Mag barrel on a hot day and that barrel was still hot to the touch a half hout later. Far as I know that barrel is now a tomato stake. They generate a lot of heat take your time. CL
Shoot some NRA highpower competition if you want to cook a quality barrel.

In a standard RMC course we fire 80 rounds for score, plus sighters. Forty rounds of that are fired rapid fire. At the end of those 10-round strings of rapid fire my poor little Krieger barrel is HOT - and that's from a mere .308 Winchester... Slow-fire competition barrels seem to last about forever, but if I do much of that across-the-course stuff, it's pretty easy to cook a barrel.

Another way to do it - that is a LOT of fun - is to do some high volume varmint shooting... :grin: This will cook a barrel, and you will have a good time doing it!

Barrel makers have got to love varmint shooters and competition shooters... Strongly suspect bullet makers like 'em too... :grin:
I cooked a barrel on a M700 30-06 shooting a club 200 yd rapid fire league. One time I actually burned the under side of my wrist. As I
got up from the prone position, I leaned on the barrel and got a pretty good brand. :oops:

Ouch! I agree stnding the rifle with the bolt open is the best way to cool. I also more than agree with the high volume varmint shooting being the most fun way to cook a barrel if you are ever going to do it lol! :grin: