Jeff Foxworthy "Are you going hunting again"

"The most expensive meat on earth, why? because I love you" :) Apparenty it's 8 times more expensive than lobster ;)
Perfectly logical. You'd think a wife would be appreciative of the sacrifice and what is provided.
Yes, I have tried to explain this to my wife many times that there are lots of things I would rather do then have provide for so many in such a little time :shock:
There is just so much stress in a hunters life :wink: & he did not mention the loading and range time either :eek:

[H]e did not mention the loading and range time either

What about the gas? And the hours spent obsessing about "the shot" when it finally presents itself? Plus, there's all the hard work dressing the game and cutting and wrapping! A little gratitude would be nice.
I am sure glad this has been brought up, I almost forgot how hard we have it :(
It is nice to vent to a group that truly understands our plight :mrgreen:

My wife agreed completely - our venison is waaaaay too expensive.

Then there's the salmon from Alaska... Yikes! :grin:
Then there's the salmon from Alaska... Yikes!

Steelhead from local waters was expensive enough, Guy; but salmon from Alaska? Wow! You really love your family. :grin: Grayling from local streams can nearly put us in the poor house. When I speak of walleye and pike from waters of the Great Slave Lake, it means a second mortgage. What I won't do for my wife!