Joe Biden and Hillary Cllinton

big rifle man

Dec 21, 2005
Everyone think about this for a minute. I believe that in either the first or second week of October Senator Biden is going to withdraw from being the vice presidential candidate. His place is going to be taken over by no other that Hillary Clinton. We haven't heard a peep from Biden and I believe the behind the scene crew is allready at work. The democraps have to do something to blunt Governor Palin's impact on the voters. A hint of this was passed a short time ago by one of our more illustrious news organizations. Just food for thought.
It would explain why the Clinton's have been so (surprisingly) loyal to the Democratic ticket. However, it would make the dems look even more disorganized then they are, so I doubt that this will happen.
I agree with Charlie.
Omamma is already back pedaling, any changes now would magnify just how screwed up they have their election campaign. I love it. :twisted:

It also is looking like Omamma has some ties to the housing crisis. His campaign has been seeking advise from the corrupt CEO's of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. There are some new adds coming out and the Republicans are going to continue smearing Omamma.

I would think that SNL will have a huge following, Tina Fae is back as Sara Palin and it will only help with Sara's popularity.

Its going to get interesting real quick.

No matter how much he may want to, I don't think he can do that now. Hillary is keeping a low profile. I think she wants McCain to win, it is hard for a Dem to run against an incombant Dem, so now it is in her interest for McCain to win. She is looking at 2012 now I think & the Clintons aren't thinking of Party as much as thinking about themselves & trust me, they are all about thinking of themselves.
NObamma Can't, but Biden can.
There is nothing in the rules that says Biden Can't withdraw his name. I'm not that up on DNC rules, but I'm sure that if Biden withdraws, there is a way Hillary would end up on the ticket....
Let me start my post by saying, I am not about to say Obama and Clinton won't end up on the same ticket later this fall (think October Surprise), but think about it this way:

If this happens, there's really only two ways it happens. One, through some catastrophic health related issue that suddenly afflicts Joe Biden and gives him 'cause' to bow out, or through some gaff that he makes (which he has historically done numerous times) that is so embarassing that he is forced to remove himself from the nomination. Now, that said, the only people who will be fooled by any of that will be the kool-aid drinking lunatic fringe. Mainstream America will see it for what it's worth - a strategic move with personal and political gain at it's heart. Now, think as well that all of a sudden, the Democrat ticket will be announced to be the perfect ticket, because it is minority x2. But the public will already, as is currently happening, know about the inability of Obama to perform the duties of the job of being President of all 57 [sic] states, due to his own inability to do anything but parrot information he has been indoctrinated with or is reading off the teleprompter. His status as an intellectual is being discredited daily, by his own doing, and Hillary won't be able to stop that any more than she could keep Bill's pants zipped.

In short, I think it will be seen as the desparation move it is, and the outcome won't change appreciably anyway. I think Obama is going to be seen to be a completely empty suit during the debates, although McCain is going to have to be on his game for that to really be effective. There are so many "We're so much smarter than you are" things going on right now - housing crisis linkage, self-comparison to Jesus v. Pilate (that will alienate anyone who has an inkling of faith), desire to raise taxes during an economic slowdown, as well as his willingness to recreate the Carter era in numerous other ways almost by design - that demonstrate his inability to lead this country into anything other than an economic, social, moral crisis, which this country, despite it's political sense or lack thereof, cannot allow itself to be led into, that I don't believe anyone but the ignorant freaks and lunatic fringe will be able to vote for the guy in good conscience. Of course, there are a lot of both groups out there.

The real strategy, if McCain wanted to employ it, would be to continue to draw parallels between what Obama says he wants to do and what Carter did do, and ask the voting public if they really want another situation like that, complete with misery index, double digit unemployment, and stagflation. People will vote their own self interest first, most of the time. It's just a matter of helping them to see the real truth, and what their vote will cost them.
You said lunatic fringe so many times I think I will have to find that old song. I just can't remember if it was performed by the Eagles on by Don Henly after he left.
That song playing in the back ground while Obama is shown speaking in Germany, standing next to his pastor of 20 years, and all of the other nuts he has associations with would make a great commercial. :lol:
Heck, I only said it twice! But yes, I agree about the commercial. I also think we should be asking the question, "Why do we now want to sit down unconditionally and have talks with Iran, when way back in the Carter Administration we should have done what needed to be done, instead of making ourselves out to look both weak and stupid?" I've long said, if we had reacted appropriately to this kind of fascist terrorism when it first appeared (well before Iran took our people hostage, by the way), we would likely not be dealing with it in the manner we are today. A history teacher of mine waaaaay back in high school drew an interesting dichotomy out for me one day. There is currently one country on this planet that has, within this [the 20th] century been both the worst aggressor and the strongest ally of the United States. Why? Because we amputated their will and desire to fight us, then set them up with a country they could self-govern and opened trade relations and they are now so busy living life they no longer have time, desire, or need to mess with us. That country is Japan. I contend that General George Marshall had it absolutely correct when he stated,

"We are determined that before the sun sets on this terrible struggle, Our flag will be recognized throughout the world as a symbol of freedom on the one hand, and overwhelming force on the other."

Unfortunately, we've lost sight of that aspiration, and wish to be seen only as friendly enough to be well liked by all people, civilized and uncivilized. I suspect there are many in this country who would be appalled at Marshall's thoughts as recorded by history. I think it ought to be required reading. He went on to say some significant things in a speech at Harvard which later became known as the Marshall Plan:

Any government which maneuvers to block the recovery of other countries cannot expect help from us. Furthermore, governments, political parties or groups which seek to perpetuate human misery in order to profit therefrom politically or otherwise will encounter the opposition of the United States.

Seems like we should maybe be remembering some of what made this country great?