John Lott on UN ATT

No blood pressure medicine will ever help me while he is in office.
This political cartoon pretty well sums up our situation.

I am just surprised that Russia and the Germans voted for it? Both of these countries, including the United States of course, are major manufacturers and exporters of small arms to any country that is having a civil war (or whatever) and needs them.

The UN is living in Fantasy Land to think that this treaty is just going to slip through and be ratified by the necessary countries. This is a world of insurrection's and civil wars, constantly. Passing some stupid treaty and singing Kubaya all night in the General Assembly is not going to change the world.

King Pinocchio and many others only want it to suppress the rights of their citizens, despite national Constitutions which do not allow confiscation of private arms or disarming of national militias (i.e. Switzerland, etc.).
In my not very humble opinion we should get the United States out of the United Nations and the United Nations out of the United States. PERIOD! Cancel their diplomatic immunity, arrest them and jail them until that pay NYC for all their parking tickets. I have no love for NYC and a hell of a lot less love for the U.N. Kick their sorry butts out.
Paul B.
Paul, I have always favored a mass, public hanging of all General Assembly, UN ambassadors in a large gibbet in Central Park and leave their bodies in hanging cages for the crows to pick at, like during the Caribbean' Pirate clean up in England (along the Thames River) after the 7 Year's War.
Well guys, it looks like the idiot in chief doesn't care about a consensus anymore. He wants a meeting of the UN general assembly and wants it passed anyway. I guess he's a little bit bent out of shape cause things didn't go the way he planned. He's determined that he's going to get gun control one way or another.
That man, if you can call that sissy a man, will do any Machiavellian trick to get his way or he will cry, stamp his foot, call you names and then lie his way out of it as he did Mitt when he was losing the debates (simper, whimper, sniffle, lie). Congress needs to find a way to take Pelosi, Reid, Biden, Feinstein and company out of the picture.

Kidnap them, order a hit, drown them like dogs, make them citizens of Cote D'Ivoire, whatever to clear the way for a return of democracy. I am sitting here getting a headache thinking about that simpering, pimpering, liar and what he is doing to our Constitution!
Yes, this man is a doctrinaire progressive; there is no reason to appear reasonable in this final term. In fact, it would not be surprising were he to attempt to change the term limits imposed, walking in the footsteps of his good friend, Hugo Chavez.
I have (almost) been holding my breath, waiting for this man to order himself, "President for Life". Hugo is dead, long hope, Hugo stays dead. In the meantime, we have to deal with Janet and DHS who are on a path to enable his ambitions with her Bradley fighting vehicles and trainloads of ammunition!
Well, the "Untied Nations" passed the ATT with the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Australia voting in favour of it. The Senate stands between the USA and the ATT. I'm baffled by the Stephen Harper Government here in Canada.
Obama said today that The ATT is now US law, let's see what the Senate says? This is flying off the handle quickly, what is Canada going to do?
I bought some solids for my 9.3x74R, just in case. Solid bullets are still available on line at MidwayUSA.
The president came out this morning and stated that the UN Small Arms Treaty has been approved and is now the law in the United States. I guess he doesn't realize Congress has to approve this measure. About Midmorning one of our senators came out and said the Senate has to approve this measure in order for it to take effect and the senate did NOT have the votes to pass the measure. I don't think Obama can bypass congress on this one. The clown does have to take it to the senate for consideration. I just wonder how long it's going to take him. He considers congress an impediment to his future plans.
The way he'll work around this is to sign the treaty, and then the senate will get the opportunity to review and ratify it (or not). The trouble lies in that until the senate reviews it, it is, in effect, the law of the land. And Reid in the senate can simply do what he does best - stall and do nothing - and it will be the de facto law of the land until either the senate changes party hands or the next president rescinds the treaty. I suspect we're in for a long, hard road on this. There's a good chance the next president will not be a republican (as they seem intent on failing as quickly and publicly as possible) and there's an even better chance the senate will remain in dem hands for the next four years. It's a shame, but the republic is being choked, amidst the applause of the ignorant, the lazy, and the stupid.
This is what wiki has to say about the process.

In the US, the treaty power is a coordinated effort between the Executive branch and the Senate. The President may form and negotiate, but the treaty must be advised and consented to by a two-thirds vote in the Senate. Only after the Senate approves the treaty can the President ratify it. Once a treaty is ratified, it becomes binding on all the states under the Supremacy Clause.

Of course SCOTUS has previously ruled that a treaty is non enforceable upon the people if it violates the constitution of the u.s. and is not enforceable on a state.
I agree with Bruce. I heard Dick Morris put forth that opinion about a treaty becoming law until the Senate reviews it. I think Dick Morris is full o' crap.