Lee HandPress Bullet Seater?


Jan 9, 2011
So I am out at the range, an easy 35 minute trip one way. I am driving my truck so the mpg is not the greatest either.

I am thinking of bringing test reloads at seating depths starting at lands along with the normal ladder groups. If I find I need additional test reloads. My thinking is instead of driving all the way home and reload additinal test loads, I could just reseat the spares to deisred test seating depth using the Lee HandPress?

Anyone ever use this or have an alternate solution.

Nice. I am a pretty good craftsman so I could do this. Remember the big luv vans back in the 70's. Those could house a great workbench for protable reloading. It would be a trick in my truck unless I put a tall cab on the bed.

I am going to try the Lee portable press and give a product review here in the coming weeks.

Thanks Mike
The report should be instructive. I'll be looking forward to your effort.
I have always thought about doing that as well Steve! Seems like a great way to save some time and more importantly, gas money. Scotty
I do have a Lee hand press and I never used it. It has been sitting in a drawer in my bench since 1996. I need to try it.