Load info needed:)

sask boy

Ammo Smith
Nov 4, 2007
Well I never thought I would be doing this but I need load details including COAL for new 270 win loads using 130gr ABs & both 4831sc & RL-22 powders:). All info will be welcome:)!!
Thanking everyone in advance:)!!

Look at the nosler upgraded load data section. It covers both powders with the 130 AB.
Thanks Fotis, my nephew just picked up a Smith & Wesson model 1700LS in a 270win. That now makes 5 of the 7 in our hunting group using the 270 win for Whitetail :wink:.
Hopefully I will withdraw from that group once I have my 280AI :mrgreen: maybe this fall!!!

I have always been one that once I find what works I don't monkey with it. 60 grs H 4831 with most any 130 gr bullet in the 270 Win. just plain works. COAL will very some. 10 to 20 thousands off usually shoot pretty good with most hunting bullets. I like CCI BR primers.
I have not used the 130g AB but have used the 140g in my 270 Win. It was one of the most accurate loads I have worked up and consisted of 59g of H4831sc with CCI LR primers. About 2970fps in a 24 inch barrel. 3.34oal.

In fact it was the only load I worked up with that bullet because it shot sub moa first up!