More testing with the 35 Rem.


Mar 6, 2017
Been a fun and rewarding experiment. 1 thing for certain it does indeed like to do what it does with this bullet. Not much changes it.

Just wanted to double check and confirm some things. Loaded 1 jammed in .010, and 1 off .010.

Velocity spread was 17 fps. Average velocity was 6 fps higher than the average with 4 shots the last time I checked velocity. Primers once again showed no issues but if I had to choose I'd give the edge to the one loaded off, as looking a tad softer.

I just shot here at the house over the hood of my truck with a bag under the forearm and the rear unsupported at a little over 50 yds. The 2 shots are right at 5/8". 5/8 X 2 for out at 100 yds would be 1.250, same as it's been doing. I'm gonna load somewhere around just off, and call it a wrap.

must have something to do with the bullet shape , and the lead angle to the lands . I'd load it off the lands and run with it .
jimbires":131rxc92 said:
must have something to do with the bullet shape , and the lead angle to the lands . I'd load it off the lands and run with it .

Yep, hard to know exactly what's going on within the chamber but it shows so little difference jammed or off, that I'd say you're correct.

Surely if I could be off .050 or so I'd see a change better or worse, but as already discussed, that's a no go.

Obviously worked up to this load at this setting so no danger of anything jumping up at me from thin air that I'd be aware of? Been very consistent on speed checks and case inspection and extraction.

Don't have a for sure idea of what actual pressure I'm running, I just know it's never showed any signs of over pressure, so under what a 760 runs with. Remington shoulda never chambered this cartridge in a modern action if they didn't want things explored. :lol: