need help with a rifle


Apr 16, 2007
Hi All,
Just got back from Oregon, beautiful state. Anyway, one of my friends has a 257 roberts. Problem is that his son took it to the local range to sight it in and it came back damaged. Evidently, a case would not chamber, and one of the helpers jammed it into the chamber so hard that it stuck. My friend tried pushing a rod into the bore from the muzzle, which just jammed the bullet into the cartridge further. that rifle is a very nice gun...

He asked me to help, and I don't know how to help, or the name of a good smith around the Silverton, Salem area.

Any of you know of a good smith there or have some good advice? My advice was to take it to a gunsmith.
Try Rich's Gun shop in Donald, OR 503-678-2424. There about 30 miles from Silverton and 15 miles from Salem. They've always been good to me.
I got a shell stuck in my 22-250 one time. I took a rubber mallet and smacked the bolt a few times really hard before it popped the case out. You have to be careful though cause if you shear off the rim you are screwed! If these were reloads better check to see if the cases need trimmed or the shoulder bumped back a little.
See if you can get your cleaning rod down through the muzzle and push the bullet back into the case and smack the cleaning rod a few times and that should get it out. Just watch out as powder will go everywhere.
I've used both of the above methods for difficult extractions of one kind or another. Sometimes I will use a piece of wood against the bolt as to not mar the finish.
Just remember that you're "whacking" a live round, so keep your wits about you and your head away from the muzzle and the rear of the action. You might also try applying a little penetrating oil into the chamber from behind, just around the case body, and give that a day or so to work. It might loosen the case enough that you don't have to whack so hard.