need help with e-tip loads


Dec 21, 2010
I want to try some 150 grain e-tips in my 7mm rem. mag,but i'm not finding any loading data.i'm currently using 61 grains of IMR 4350 and a 150 bt or 66grains of H4831 and a 150 bt. just wondering what a good stating point would be. I believe i heard you cant use the same data for the bt and ab as you would the e-tip because of higher pressures.Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Using the Nosler Reloading Guide, use the mid-range charge as your maximum charge with the E-Tip and you'll do fine. Most people are find that a good jump to the lands improves accuracy; 100 thousandths seems to give many people good accuracy.
Been using 150gr E-tips out of my 300wsm accuracy greatly improved at .100 off the lands in comparison to .05 off the lands.