New and Reloaded Nosler Brass


Feb 15, 2010
HI Team,
I have noticed a very light ring around my nosler brass approximately 3/8 - 1/2" above the belt. I have been resizing on shoulder with .001-.002.

I have some brand new Nosler Virgin Brass that has the same ring but very faint. Now that the brass has been shot 3-4 times, it is more seeable. Has anyone ever seen this on their new and refired Nosler Brass?

maybe when they were manufacturing the brass the machine die needed cleaning? Or not enough lube during the process?
Can you post a detail photo of the cases?

365 days in a year, and this is the one day the wife has the camera. will post later when she gets back in.

Thanks Steve
We will get it figured out.

I just had that problem with some 300 wsm shells. I was concerned, so I sent them to Nosler to have them look at it. Pictures are good , but to have them look at the shell itself is better. The Nosler gang looked at the shell and the end result was that it was cosmetic. It was for my piece of mind and Shawn was very helpful in keeping me informed. Just something to think about.
If your using a regular cartridge holder, MTMs were you have the cartridges pointing down. It's the edges of the hole that is rubbing on the cases. I'm pretty sure that's all it is. Seen it on mine all the time.

The Tom Jones response applies here ("It's Not Unusual"). Whereas the SAAMI specs call for 0.5550 inches at the web, in fact there is some tolerance built into the chamber. As the brass expands to fit the chamber, the web is the least tractable or ductile due to rigidity. Consequently, above the line that you see, the brass fits your chamber with the allowance for relaxation following firing. Below the line that you observe, the case dimension approximates the original dimension.
UMMM... Well DRMike might have gave the answer. I am not sure where and actually what is the web but heard it a few times.

It is hard to tell with picture but it is a line that circles the brass about 3/8" to 1/2" above the belt. Is this circular line called the web?


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Based on the picture, it appears to be fine. I agree with DrMike's conclusion. If you were to cross section a case, I bet it woould be very clear to see that is where the web and case wall meet.

As Always, you guys are rocket scientist. I am going to have to do some research on the architecture of brass to better understand. :)

Thanks team!

If there is incipient case separation, you will feel it by running a bent paper clip along the wall of the case. However, it is doubtful that you are witnessing case separation at this point.
Steve do you not even own one reloading manual. I don't think any one of them don't have a cross sectioned and labeled drawing of a case. This is not rocket science but this is not one of those things that you should jump into half way through. I'm not trying to be rude or cruel here but man this is real basic stuff. You have already come very close to a real potential disaster. Everyone is being real nice about this but I'm sure a few guys are thinking what I'm saying but not wanting to hurt your feelings. Better your feelings than losing an eye or worse.


And now I'm going to here the flax, no doubt.
Jim, I think Steve has a manual, but being a new loader and using Nosler, Federal and WW brass, it all looks (a little) different and he is seeing stuff that most of us are used to seeing. It is his first go around with the 338WM and has been keeping up pretty well, but some things are hard to pin point until you see them first hand. I don't think anyone is going to give you any flax, but he is running this stuff by us here in order to "sanity check" things. I know I wished I would have been able to glean the info from you all when I started loading 20 years ago. Scotty
Scotty I only wish that I had this resource to draw from a few years ago when I blew up a very expensive rifle, three times. I'm lucky to still have two good eyes. Neck thickness in a very tight chamber. With that aside and I really don't want to and will not start beating on poor Steve to prove a point. He really seams to want to learn. But a simple thing like the parts of a case. Tells me someone did not do there home work. I have seen this time and time again where guys just want to start before they read instructions, maybe it's genetic. Very few woman would disagree. lol

This is where I'll leave it.

Jim, no worries buddy. We know you were just stating what you saw, the way you saw it. I respect that more than someone losing some digits because no one spoke up. This place is my sounding board when "weird" stuff happens. It is amazing, every now and then, something comes up and I cannot figure it out. Usually the brain trust here helps me figure out when I have a Brain Fart. Scotty
I really don't want to and will not start beating on poor Steve to prove a point. He really seams to want to learn. But a simple thing like the parts of a case. Tells me someone did not do there home work. I have seen this time and time again where guys just want to start before they read instructions

Jim - Damage was done in a post prior to this. I too wish there was a resource like this forum to bounce ideas off when I started reloading 30 plus years ago. Steve asked a legitimate question about a concern he had on a caliber that he has not had as much experience reloading as some of his other calibers. As a facilitator and trainer for a fortune 500 company, I know first hand how important it is to be able to ask a question without worrying that I will get the type of responses back that you sent. There are varying degrees of experience and knowledge on this forum and we need to recognize and respond to each question and idea in a measured way. There are still many things that I can learn about reloading and shooting to make me better. The culture on this forum is a big part of the reason why I continue to use it as a resource to improve at what we all share and have in common.
Steve, I don't believe Jim was trying to offend in anyway, and the internet, being what it is, is only words. It is hard to convey somethings with just words, without hearing inflection and such. You are asking the right corrections and have done a helluva job. Don't write us off, I am know there are guys on here that have probably wanted to blast me sometimes and tell me to go and read my books some, but they have been good men. Stay with us, I am pretty sure it will work itself out. Nobody sticks around long on here that bashes other men. I know our moderators (Pop, JD and the Nosler staff) wouldn't tolerate it and neither would the rest of us.

Your doing it right, I am not a big terminology guy and that is why I spend so much time here. You all have taught me alot, to include you Steve. I learn something from all of you. Makes us all better shooters, hunters and reloaders. Scotty