New Crony.


Feb 14, 2007
Guys I need a new crony. The one I have is about eight years old and has a few battle scars. The didgits don't always all work and it is impossable to get a good reading cause I can't read the numbers.

What kind of crony would you recommend for a replacement?
For the money go to Midway and look at the chronograph called "Chrony". It is good stuff and you can find different versions to meet your needs and pocket book.
+1 on the Chrony.
I suggest getting a Masters series with the display seperate from the sky screens. That way if you put a bullet throught the screen, you can get them replaced by Chrony for only $40.00, instead of having to buy a whole new Chrony....
I love my Beta Master Chrony. I don't ever take my PACT Professional out of the case anymore.
And adding to AntelopeSnipers post, even if you do shoot the whole thing, they'll (Chrony) take it in and sell ya a new one for about 40$. Even if you shoot 2 of em. So I have heard anyways.. :mrgreen:
