New toy!


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Look what I found in a pawn shop. It was somewhere stashed away where no one knew it existed.....until recently. Notice the oil still on the magazine!

Like new (and I mean that) Rem 788 22-250 24" barrel!

I have been wondering where I put that.
My wife is always telling me I need to quit leaving things "laying around". :grin:

Congrats ! Tiz amazing what one can find when he keeps his eyes open.

The 22-250 is probably one of my favorite rounds. Not much you can't do with the 55gr B-tips out of that.

Nice find for sure. What twist, 1:14?
55 gr BT with RL 15, 35.0 grs. :wink:

POP, with all do respect and consideration for your skills in search efforts and recover techniques, you should send that rifle to me for fine tuning and finally inspection to make sure it is safe for such a fine fellow as you.

I will be more than happy to assist you in this effort with the stipulation that if it does no meet my standard of approval I will keep the rifle until such time this standard is realized by me. Your faithful and trusted servant who is ready to serve. :lol:
Sometimes it pays to visit pawnshops. I found these with Vari-X III 3.5X10 on top of it. At 800 bucks, this Clackamas made Kimber Model 82 in 223 went home with me that day, I mean 10 days later. :)


Someone was desperate for money to let that one get away. Good buy, DF.
looks a lot cleaner than mine with blond stock. i might just refinish it dark, yours looks great. is this the 24" heavy taper barrel like mine or the sporter
I just sold one of those I bought in the Navy in 1969. It likes 60 Gr. Sierra BTHPs. It will shoot one hole at 100 yds all day long. And it's favorite target is blacktail deer :grin: Great buy Pop. :grin:
A most desirable acquisition. Highly sought after by many within the benchrest fraternity. You found a treasure, for certain.
POP, I have one just like it. Dad bought it new back in the 70's. He paid $100.00 with the scope. It shoots bugholes with 38.5gr w760, and 52gr sierra's, and wmpr.
