Nosler Ballistic Tip Solid Base


Jun 28, 2014
I've got a box of .257 100 gr. Ballistic Tip Solid Base bullets and a box of 100 gr. Ballistic Tips on my shelf that I was thinking about loading up.

My question there a difference construction wise between the solid base and non-solid base bullet or did Nosler just change the name? I wanted to use these in my 25-06 this coming deer season.
Nosler changed the ballistic tip a few times in construction during the first few years so who knows what you have. The current ballistic tips still have a solid base. When the ballistic tips first came out they were too fragile and it took them a little while to get them right. The ones they produce now are really great bullets. You still need to keep impact velocity below 3100 fps. I have loaded and used the 25-06 on deer for a long time and I or my hunting buddy have used most 100 to 120 gr bullets made by Sierra, Nosler, Hornady and Speer. We did control work on a big farm in NC and took 100 deer a year for 15 years. If you want to use a Nosler bullet the 115 ballistic tip or Partition is what you want. If you want a great lower cost bullet find you some 117 Sierra.
The box labeled "solid base" is an older green & red box. I looked for a date somewhere on the box but didn't see anything.

I've got about 75 117 gr SGK's I was thinking about trying again. I tried working up a load with them a couple of years ago with no real luck...might give them another shot.
Work up to these but one should shoot for your. 117 Sierra 52 grs. H4831 or the SC version, I use CCI Br2 primmers and Rem. cases. If that don't shoot give 49 grs IMR or AA 4350 with CCI 250 mag primers. Load the bullet 20 thousands off the lands. Some rifles are like my current 25-06 that is a custom Rem 700 with 26" Shilen SS #6 barrel. It does not like boat tail bullets but it will shoot bug holes with a flat base. I use the 117 Sierra Pro Hunter flat base with the 49 gr IMR or AA4350 load and I get 3000 fps and will shoot 1 1/2" 5 shot groups at 300 yards. Bang flops a deer 99 % of the time if you go into or exit a shoulder.
The "Solid Base" was dropped from the Ballistic Tip namea few years back.
The BT's have been updated over the years so I would say hunt with the new BT's.

1Shot":3rbskeen said:
Work up to these but one should shoot for your. 117 Sierra 52 grs. H4831 or the SC version, I use CCI Br2 primmers and Rem. cases. If that don't shoot give 49 grs IMR or AA 4350 with CCI 250 mag primers. Load the bullet 20 thousands off the lands. Some rifles are like my current 25-06 that is a custom Rem 700 with 26" Shilen SS #6 barrel. It does not like boat tail bullets but it will shoot bug holes with a flat base. I use the 117 Sierra Pro Hunter flat base with the 49 gr IMR or AA4350 load and I get 3000 fps and will shoot 1 1/2" 5 shot groups at 300 yards. Bang flops a deer 99 % of the time if you go into or exit a shoulder.

Thanks for the info.

Like I said...I've got some 117 gr SGK's I'm gonna give a go with some R-22 or IMR-4831. I tried about everything with this bullet and IMR-4350 and couldn't get them to shoot. There's a chance my rifle doesn't like heavier bullets, but I'll see what I can figure out.

I wonder if the 117 gr Pro-Hunter would be worth trying (if I can find any). There are opportunities to take shots over 300 yds so I'm hesitant to get away from a boat-tail bullet, but maybe I'm over thinking it.


I had heard/read the same thing, which is probably why I haven't done anything with them.
If you are up to the challenge, give the 115 gr BT a test drive.
Great bullet! ;)

One other observation from using the 25-06 for such a long time is they shoot best right on the ragged edge of too much pressure. That means listed MAX loads or with some rifles they need a little more powder than listed as max to ACTUALLY be max. One other general reloading observation that really adds accuracy to any load is to deburr the flash hole inside the case. This lets the powder be lit consistently and get a more consistent burn and best accuracy. GOOD LUCK.
The Model 70 Featherweight I have has been more willing to show pressure signs than any of my other rifles. I have to approach book max loads very cautiously as it is doesn't always accept what the books say.
There is a reason why Nosler speaks of their data as a guide. Each rifle is an entity to itself. The hand loader is responsible to determine what is safe.
Speaking of loading to max or over max published loads...I ran a QL with 117 gr. SGK and R-22. I was a little surprised with the results. Sierra's #6 max powder charge for R-22 is 50.5 gr. According to QL 59.5 gr. is where the pressure is pushing max for a 25-06. Obviously there are a whole lot of variables to consider, but I thought it was interesting there is that much of spread between a published manual and a program that is usually pretty accurate if the user does their part.

Here's a screen-shot:

I changed the burn rate to match velocities I got over my chrony for another 25-06 load I worked up.
