Noslers new 8mm 200 grain Accubond


Oct 31, 2004
I just looked on the nosler site and the new 8mm 200 grain bullet is on there.

How come the 30 cal 180 grain has a SD of .271 and BC of .507 and the 8mm 200 grain has a higher SD of .274 and a pitiful BC of .379? Even the 8mm 200 grain Partition is a lot higher. What gives?

Is this a mistake? Should it be .479? If not I'll stick with a roundnose bullet. It's BC is almost the same. :cry:
The 8mm's have been examined and the B.C.'s are being republished.

It hasn't been updated on the site yet.

The 8mm-180 BT is .357 BC
The 8mm-180 AB is .379 BC
The 8mm-200 PT is .350 BC
Those are low B.C. 's . They seem to match a 175 spitzer 8MM more than anything.

Or very low velocity. What gives?
I agree, somethin's screwy. Maybe when testing the 8mm you guys broke off the plastic tips or something. :p There's no way the 338 180 should have basically the same BC as the 8mm 200 unless the 8mm was a flat point or something. I'm sure somebody made a simple mistake somewhere and it'll be fixed soon enough. :grin: