open note: to President Obamas administration.


Sep 25, 2005
Just because this Independant and most Republicans, did not vote for the current administration. Dosn't relieve the Democratic administration of their duty to uphold our beliefs and seek to follow our principles. The Democrats where not elected to violate the two party system. Or to stomp on our rights, steal our money and force dramatic changes to our goverment system. It is sad to watch what our current elected goverment is pushing onto the nation. With the majority voting power Quashing the two party system. How are we voters, not currently receiving representation, going to view the acts being commited on us, in future election? an Oregon. registered independant voter
baltz526":u7al3uyo said:
The Democrats where not elected to violate the two party system. Or to stomp on our rights, steal our money and force dramatic changes to our goverment system.

The Democrats may not have been elected for these reasons BUT this is their core values. In Russia its called Communism, Europe calls it Social ism and the USA calls it Democratic.

Look at what has happened in the first 100 days. You ain't seen nothing yet, it will get worse. Our only hope is to get the current Democrats out of the house and congress in two years.

I think we need term limits for the senate and house.
I know there are good ones out there that don't need to go but term limits would save us from the long term affects of corruption going un-checked.
I do not subscribe to liberal ideals and did not vote for Obama.

However, the majority of American voters supported Obama and his platform of "CHANGE". They will be getting exactly what they voted for.

We are in for a very rough ride over the next 4 years, but you can't say that we didn't ask for it. Sometimes you just learn things the hard way.
Those of you who are old enough remember the Carter administration. Carter was elected as a response to Nixon/Ford, and was an unmitigated disaster, both domestically and internationally. Now we have Obama, who is pretty well Jimmy Carter without the supreme intellect. We will survive this, but if there is no conservative leader to emerge within the next two years, we are going to re-elect this dolt and potentially destroy the union via "unsustainable deficits." That's a quote from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, by the way, regarding the result of Obama's budgets and spending plans. The naiive fool is going to run deficits upwards of 4% of GDP annually! What I can't figure out is if he's really that naiive and stupid, or if he's being advised to do this to create an instability that will offer the opportunity to institute martial law and create a socialist dictatorship. Either way, he's trouble with a capital T.
I graduated from college at the end of the Carter Administration. I remember going to college with a plan for my future, and graduating in a hopeless situation. At the time I didn't think we would ever recover, but thanks to Ronald Reagan we did. I hoped to never see anything like that again, but I'm afraid this clown is going to be worse. I knew when he got elected it was going to be rough, but things are turning out worse than I imagined.

I'm also in favor of term limits. I think the vast majority of politicians in the beltway lose touch with reality after a while. I visited DC the summer after I graduated from high school. Even as dumb as I was at that time, I could sense the people there had no idea what was going on outside their little world. I even heard Fred Thompson mention term limits on his radio show the other day. I figure he should know.

Oh yeah, I'm also a proud listener of Rush Limbaugh! :lol:

edit #2
a note to the obama administration and democratic party.Just because this Independant and most Republicans, did not vote for the current administration. Dosn't relieve the Democratic administration of their duty to uphold our laws protect our beliefs and seek to allow us to follow our principles. The Democrats where not elected to violate the two party system. Or to stomp on our rights, steal our money and force dramatic changes to our goverment system. It is sad to watch what our current elected goverment is pushing onto the nation. To force illegal changes to our constitution With the majority voting power Quashing the two party system. How are we voters, not currently receiving representation! going to view the acts being commited on us, in a future election? A note from an Oregon registered independant voter.
a note to the obama administration and democratic party.Just because this Independant and most Republicans, did not vote for the current administration. Dosn't relieve the Democratic administration of their duty to uphold our laws protect our beliefs and seek to allow us to follow our principles. The Democrats where not elected to violate the two party system. Or to stomp on our rights, steal our money and force dramatic changes to our goverment system. It is sad to watch what our current elected goverment is pushing onto the nation. To force illegal changes to our constitution With the majority voting power Quashing the two party system. How are we voters, not currently receiving representation! going to view the acts being commited on us, in a future election? A note from an Oregon registered independant voter.
any suggestions on the edit, or lines to add. i'm trying to craft a direct but polite note: to spread on every website we all belong to. :twisted:
Hooray for Alan Keyes; he did indeed say it all and with clear precision.
Alan Keyes is too straight forward and not bought off by corruption.
The Republicans need African American’s in their party yet they discriminate against him and block him out.
