Powders? (Ohio is weird)


Nov 18, 2013
Hello all;
Just curious.
After the recent (and ongoing in some instances) powder drought, we have had some luck with finding certain powders. For example, the RL line of powders has been pretty good if you stay alert, and some isolated Hodgdons and IMRs. 4198, 4350 seem fairly common but other stuff is totally hit and miss.
While it is by no means good yet, it seems some better with a few exceptions.
I cannot find (other than 1 time) any Accurate pistol powders(2,5,7, and 9), Vihtavouri anything, Varget, Universal Clays and such. Those are the ones I have certain loads for certain pistols and rifles. Most pistol powders have now reached the "not a chance" category.
You folks finding the same thing?
Our powder supplies in Va are looking pretty decent. I haven't really been looking for any of the powders you mentioned but the Alliant's and Hodgdon powders have been pretty available minus Varget. The IMR like has been pretty good for awhile with 7828 always being available in 8 or 1lb containers through the worst of it.
It's been getting a tad better around NM as Sportsman's had some RL22 & 25 in small and big jugs which is unheard of, but 22 LR went so fast it was not even funny? What is kinda strange is the bullets have been going south for a while now and really no selection left but primers have also been on the shelves more than usual !!
I am surely pleased to hear that you fellows are finding reasonable supplies of the Alliant powders. I'm pretty skinny on several of them at the moment. Otherwise, powders are available, though I wouldn't say they are plentiful just yet.
I agree with DrMike some Alliant powder is available around western Canada but RL15 & 22 is nonexistent. I have a good supply of 22 but could use a 5lber of the 15. If I had that I believe that I would be set for powders for the foreseeable future :wink:.

When I see RL 15 and RL 19 available in adequate quantities, I will rebuild my supply.
So you guys up North can not get stuff thru Midway or Sinclair ? As if they ever had anything? was reading about some Tire Store's that sell gun powder in Canada but it seems like they never have anything? So Canada does not have a very good network of online reloading retailers I assume?
No powders shipped directly from the States, only through licenced suppliers. Homeland Security is working overtime to keep you safe.
We're all shotgun shooters in my crew as well.
Not uncommon for us to shoot ten rounds of skeet on a Saturday.
Wads and primers, no problem.

Shotgun powder is made of " Unobtainium " at the moment.
We're scrounging everything we can find to be able to continue to shoot.
We've got wholesale accts through our club w 2 distributors and they are both out of about everything
at the moment.
I've seen nothing at my local shops since Newtown. The one shop has only had one powder BMG50. Other than that I've seen absolutely nothing here. Online has been my only option.
Thanks everyone.
Guess I was venting a little.
Thought I had everything covered then bought some more toys and well, you know how that goes. :lol: